
3 Hats to Wear When Managing Your Dental Practice With Efficiency

Dentists enter the field because they want to help people. Dental health is an important component of overall health, and dentists are at the front line of helping their patient’s mouths stay healthy. However, dentists need to make money, and doing so requires taking on a number of roles for you practice. Here are three “hats” dentists need to don to manage their businesses efficiently.

Hats to Wear When Managing

IT Hat

While dentists don’t need to be advanced information technology experts, technology plays an important role in modern offices, and the dentistry field is no exception. Competition can be fierce among dental practices, and those who know how to leverage modern technology stand to reap tremendous gains. A website is essential as many potential patients will search online, and an effective office network can help increase intra-office efficiency. Modern dental equipment is technically advanced, and knowing a bit about the technology that powers these tools can help dentists decide where to invest and what to avoid. Most dental offices also have a software system set up to help them schedule their appointments and contact their patients. Being familiar with these technologies is essential for any successful practice.


Marketing Hat

Dentists need patients to run a profitable business, so some marketing acumen is needed to attract potential patients. A website should be viewed as the cornerstone of an advertising campaign, and dentists may want to try out pay-per-click online marketing. Mailed fliers can help as well, and those opening a new practice may find them to be the best way to build a patient base. There are often 3rd party companies like dentalmarketing.net that can help a practice with some easy and effective direct mail campaigns. Another method dentists can help market themselves is setting up webinars for oral health or getting involved in the social media scene. Marketing is a long-term strategy, and it is important for dentists to establish memorable branding to create an image in the minds of current and potential patients.

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Logistics Management Hat

People in all fields of work need to deal with logistics, but many ignore learning about this important element of efficient practice. Dental practices need supplies, and having these supplies delivered in an orderly manner can cut costs and stress significantly. Managing employees is another skill that is needed when owning your own practice. Dental hygienists are essential for any practice, and dentists will need to be able to ensure that they are fair and effective managers of their employees. Dentists often learn these skills through experience, which can place new dentists at a disadvantage. With a bit of study, however, new dentists can ensure that they are able to run an efficient office and manage their practice with efficiency.

Those who graduate from dental school know how to deal with dental problems, but there are a number of other areas they’ll need to learn about. Too often, new dentists assume they’ll pick up these skills along they way and fail to make an effective plan. Before opening a practice, take some time to learn about technology and networking, effective marketing and handling logistics.

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