Get professional help with resume writing no matter what level of assistance you need. JobGoRound has accumulated user reviews of the most popular resume services to help you decide which service to go with.
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Job Search Services to Consider Using
So you have gotten online and decided to do some job searching. If you do not have a clear idea of where to start, the choices can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there is an easy way to find the best job search services to fit your needs. The key is to identify what type of job you are searching for and matching that to a service that meets your requirements. Here is a look at some of the criteria that you may want to use when deciding which job search services you should consider using.
1. Education/Career. There are certain job search services that tailor specifically to people that have a certain level of education or experience. These types of services are normally the most useful for people who have a masters degree or have an established professional career. An example of these services include (must have an MBA) and (all job postings are for positions that pay $100,000+). There are also job search aggregators that are tailored to a specific industry or job type such as or These websites will often draw all of the nursing or sales jobs from a variety of different sources.
2. Resume Requirement. Some job search services will require you to submit a resume before applying to job postings, whereas others will not. The benefit of using these types of services is that employers can see your resume, plus you may not need to attach a resume to every job that you apply to, but rather they will simply look at the resume that you have on file. The drawback of these services is that you must take the time to fill out a resume for all of them. Additionally, even though they have your resume on file, many of the job postings will often require you to resubmit everything on their corporate website. Plus, normally when employers search through applications, they will receive a list based upon when the resume was created. That means if you created a resume 2 weeks ago, it is probably behind hundreds of other resumes. In order to get your resume back to the top, you will need to take the time to modify it.
3. Aggregators. Some people prefer to use aggregator sites to do all of their job searching. One such site is The advantage of using these sites is that they combine the results from a large number of independent job search services. Possibly some that you have never heard of. This means that you will get a large number of diverse results. The drawback is that you will likely get a number of duplicate results. This is because most employers will post an ad on a number of sites and the aggregrator will not filter duplicate results out, which means that you will have to wade through a lot of duplicate content.
4. Popular Engines. Another option that many people use is to simply use the most “well known” job search services such as Yahoo! Hot Jobs,, or CareerBuilder. The biggest reason that people use these services is because they are well known. This also means that they are well known by employers, which means more potential job opportunities.
There are a number of options available, the important thing is to identify your needs and find a service that meets your needs. The best job search services to consider using are not always the most popular ones, but rather the ones that are crafted to fit your needs.