
4 Careers in the Dental Field and Their Education Costs and Earning Potential

If you are interested in any form of dentistry, obtaining information concerning educational costs and available opportunities in this field places you on the right track towards a promising career. As there are various disciplines in this field, that includes general dentistry, pediatric dentistry, oral surgery and prosthodontics, the growth potential for each is astounding. In addition to earning a regular salary or income from self-employment, a career in any of these disciplines could easily scale from a small, beginning business to a large, flourishing dental practice. Although the educational fee for each discipline is in accordance with the training received, the income earned will quickly overshadow all costs.

General Dentistry

As a practitioner in general dentistry, the cost of tuition is estimated at $112,000 annually. This cost includes class fees, a student services fee and lab fees. Registration fees and student loan origination fees are also applicable. This is in addition to other costs that may be determined by the dental institute. Although the training cost to become a general practitioner is great, the income potential is greater. As such, a general practitioner has the potential of earning an average of $137,000 yearly. For a good example of what a general practice dentist office looks like, Avalon Dental Care would be a good one to check out.


Pediatric Dentistry

For the individual who chooses to study pediatric dentistry, he or she may incur a total of $116,780 for the cost of tuition and fees. However, as any discipline in the field of dentistry offers a great income potential, all dental school fees will be offset fairly quickly. A practicing pediatric dentist could easily earn a median salary of $170,000.

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Oral Surgeon

Although the cost of fees incurred by an oral surgeon is roughly $120,000, a professional in this specialty will see the financial reward associated with his or her training. As such, an estimated annual income of $180,000 is highly likely. This income will rapidly increase with experience.



As with all specialties in the study of dentistry, the earning potential of a prosthodontics is commensurate with training and experience. Although the cost of dental school is approximately $125,380, the median salary of $226,000 is readily within reach. This salary will increase with experience and the development of the dental practice.


The cost of training related to any discipline in the field of dentistry could vary greatly as there are several determining factors. It is important to keep in mind that the overall cost is contingent upon the instructional institution of choice as tuition may vary among public and private dental schools. Additionally, the cost of attendance may vary from one state to another. It is equally important to remember the astounding benefits associated with becoming a practicing dentist.

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