5 Creative Industries To Launch A Career You Love In

5 Creative Industries To Launch A Career You Love In5 Creative Industries To Launch A Career You Love In5 Creative Industries To Launch A Career You Love In

Having a career that you love can often feel like a rarity. When you were little, or even if you’re deciding on the career path to start out in now, you often dream of what your career will be like when you grow up. For one reason or another, it doesn’t always pan out. So many people go to work every single despising their job. But, just because you’re in the wrong career now, it doesn’t mean that you can’t start a career you love in the right industry.

If you’re a creative person, you should definitely make sure that you’re on a creative career path, regardless of what that perfect career path may look like to you. Life is too short not to have a job that you love. So, it’s time to workout what your true passions are, what career options are available to you and what job will suit your skills best.


The publishing industry is definitely one of those industries that you have to love to be in it. Every single person that works in publishing loves their job and very rarely ended up with it by accident. They’re also a very friendly bunch and love to talk about books!


Editors make the books we all know and love what they are today. An author may have the creative concept, the story, and the words, but an edit makes them the best that they can be. Working closely with authors, editors in publishing houses tighten up storylines and get them to publish-worthy standard. If this sounds like your dream job, you may need a college degree and experience in editing.


Sometimes, shouting about the best books on the market is all you want to do. If that sounds like a cool career choice for you, working in publishing PR could be your match made in career heaven. You’ll get to create campaigns for book launches, share your newly launched books with the press and encourage fellow bookworms to read your books and write up reviews. It’s a hard job, but someone’s got to do it!


But you don’t have to be good at writing or editing yourself to work in publishing. If you love books but care more about reading them than writing them yourself, then a career as a professional reader might be right up your street. And yes, it really does mean that you can read for a living. You’ll often be set the task of reading submissions and writing up a synopsis of each book before an agent or publisher then takes a look.


The beauty industry is becoming more and more diverse. Not only do you have a lot of options when it comes to career choices, but you’ve also got the drugstore and luxury markets to choose from. This international industry can form a rewarding career for any budding creative.

Makeup Artist

If you’re a huge beauty buff and are often found in the cosmetics department of any store you walk past, you might want to think about a career path in makeup. Makeup artists can come in many different forms. From working in stores to film sets, with celebrities or fashion shows, these guys can carve a career path as creative as their own nature. After qualifying and getting some experience, the makeup world really is your oyster.


When you love all things beauty and not just makeup, you can often feel as if you’re selling yourself short by becoming a makeup artist. If your true passion is all kinds of beauty, then you might be better off in a career as a beautician. Covering of a wealth of beauty treatments from facials to massages, you’ll get to train to give treatments you love, and even specialize in super cool areas like eyelash extensions or permanent cosmetics.


The digital world has meant that a range of creative career paths can stem from every industry. Bloggers often have a wealth of different niches, but if you’re beauty mad and you love to test out new products, a career as a beauty blogger, influencer or even a vlogger could be exactly what you’re looking for. You may have to start out with this as a hobby, but if you put the commitment in and grow your audience, your budding beauty career is sure to take off.


Being a writer is often the dream of many people, both young and old. But it doesn’t have to be a pipe dream; you can form a career as a writer and make money from it. As long as you have the passion and can write, you’ll be able to enjoy a long career as a writer.

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When most people dream of becoming a writer, it’s the author career path that they’d love the most. Being a bookworm and loving to write can often mean that it feels like the only true calling you have. Although there are no formal qualifications that you need to become an author, you do need to have a good story and a thing for words. Then, after getting a literary agent, the rest, as they say, is history.


If fiction isn’t really your thing, but you love to write about real life, a career in journalism could be for you. From coming up with story ideas to interviewing subjects, investigating in the field and seeing your name in writing, the job of a journalist can be pretty exciting. But, it takes work. Journalism is a competitive industry. After getting a degree and experience, you’ll have to put yourself out there to land a job that you love.


As in the beauty world, a blogger can be a great career choice for budding writers too. Except this time around, the niche isn’t overly the most important aspect of the blog – the writing is. If you want to be a digital writer and make money blogging, your content needs to be relative to your readers, and you need to be able to engage an audience, post after post.


The world of marketing opens up a wealth of opportunities to creative types. Whether you’re a whiz with words or you love imagery, you’ve got a lot of options to utilize your talents when you work in marketing. Either in an agency in in-house, you can form a career that spans a range of markets.

Account Executive

Regardless as to whether you work in advertising or PR, content or social media, an account executive generally wears a lot of different hats. From liaising with different clients to executing campaigns, these guys have such diverse careers that no two days will ever feel the same. If you want a career that will challenge you, allow you to be creative, analytical and still keep a foot in business, marketing account management is definitely for you.


If you love to write, but never got that creative with it, you might find work as a copywriter is exactly what you’re looking for. Writing catchy slogans or the instruction manual that goes with an electric appliance, copywriters really do deal with any form of words that marketing departments cover. Nowadays, copywriters are also content writers and can write a lot of copy for the web. If this sounds like the career choice for you, something like the Ray Edwards copywriting course could get you started.


And then there’s always the more visual side of the marketing industry. Designers hold a very important role within any marketing agency or department. Copywriters might contribute the words, but these guides take over all of the visuals. Working in the art department can be a lot of fun if you’ve always wanted to work with graphic design and you’ve got a killer creative eye for storytelling.


Working in art can feel like a dream come true to some. If you studied the classics in school, know a thing or two about each artistic period or are great with the tools yourself, you might want to try your hand at a career in the art world.


If you love to visit art galleries and you’ve always dreamt of working in one, a career as an art curator could be your destiny. After training in fine art, you may want to get an internship or two at a gallery. Then, you could be ready to curate your own shows, exhibitions, and events in a full-time position.


Sometimes, a love of art can lead to your becoming an artist yourself. Whether you’ve picked up paintbrushes since you were a small child, or have more recently found a passion for the pastime, if you’ve got creative vision and your work is a success, you could be selling your artwork around the world in no time.


If your love of art is more related to the paintings and industry than it is actually creating it yourself, and you have a bit of a business streak in you, you might be more interested in becoming an art dealer than anything else. If you have an expert art, a wealth of knowledge and can spot what clients will want, you could become an in-demand art dealer for a big business or even for yourself.

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