5 Mobile Marketing Strategies Your Business Hasn’t Tried Yet

Mobile Marketing for Businesses Mobile marketing is the wave of the future. This development isn’t new: marketing strategies have been slowly headed this direction for a number of years. Now, with the popularity of smartphones, the future appears to be upon us. If your company hasn’t jumped on the mobile marketing bandwagon, it isn’t too late. Here are five mobile marketing strategies you can use to start out.

1. Mobile Websites

If you don’t have a mobile site, now is the time to get one. Mobile websites are abbreviated versions of your full site that are easier to access and use on a mobile device. In order to draw more mobile traffic to your site, a mobile platform is a must. Building a mobile site is not necessarily expensive or time consuming, so there is no reason why a company should not take this step.

2. Mobile Coupons

If you sell products, mobile coupons are essential. With mobile coupons, customers don’t have to spend hours leafing through paper ads and cutting out coupons they may or may not use. Mobile coupons are scanned the same way as a conventional coupon but can be used directly from a phone screen. This strategy will draw customers to your products in an easy, convenient way.

3. PDFs

A PDF, more formally known as “portable document format,” is a universal form of document that can be easily read on a mobile device. Rather than Word docs or Excel spreadsheets that need software to view, PDFs are easily readable on virtually form of computing device. Issuing flyers, letters, or coupons as PDFs using a PDF creator will make things easy on your customers.

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4. Location-Based Tools

Many companies take advantage of the GPS feature most phones have to target advertising and information based on location. By enabling this feature on your desktop or mobile site, you can provide more relevant information to customers in order to offer them a much better experience.

5. Use Social Networking

No matter what your company does, having a large web presence is a must. This includes having a company Twitter, Facebook page and LinkedIn profile that are active and up to date. The more a customer or potential customer can learn about you, the better. Stay connected in your industry to draw new clients and spread your name.

Whether or not you like it, mobile marketing is a necessity for all companies. Catering to clients with smartphones is a strong decision in today’s market. Marketing towards the mobile sector is fairly simple and largely inexpensive so there is really no excuse not to.

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