5 Reasons Why Employee Engagement is Important in the Workplace

According to some research, being satisfied at work is a weaker predictor of positive business outcomes than an engagement. Without getting into too many details, we can understand why. Engaged employees are more likely to act as advocates for business, they are also likely to go an extra mile, not as much because they fit the company’s culture, but mainly because they feel they are on a mission. They act towards a clear goal in mind.  This very source of motivation is the main difference between the engaged and satisfied worker. Leaders are therefore starting to realize that more than an HR program, employee engagement should be addressed as an element of their business performance. But how to extend your strategies of a concept that in itself is hard to measure?

New tools have been developed to keep track of what really motivates us and what influence the development of engagement in a workplace. Companies such as Questback are launching smart employee platforms to provide businesses with more granular information based on “human metrics” sampled from their own companies, enabling the creation of comprehensive people policies  Read below how employee engagement can improve the development of your team, and in a long run, the whole business.

Nurtures a sense of attachment –  We often think we are able to spot a truly engaged employee. In our mind, they are the people who are always leaving late, painstakingly finishing their tasks. However, this, rather than being a self-conscious conviction about the company, can be nothing more than a sign of following the culture in place. That would be especially true, for the senior workers, who because of having fully- formed working ethics are more likely to stick to certain working patterns. So before jumping to a conclusion, it might be good to ask a few additional questions. Do they invest themselves only in the role, or in the company as a whole? Are they using their talents to the fullest? Are they being supportive of the rest of the team? If at least for some of the questions, you got negative answers, the gates to the mythical land of engagement must, therefore, lie somewhere else. We believe it is the employees’ sense of attachment towards their organisation that really makes the difference. Helping your workers to feel engaged increases the chance of retaining not only talented people but also dedicated. There are many ways to nurture attachment, but a stepping stone is using recognition techniques to let your workers feel valuable and important assets of the company.

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From attachment to the sense of belonging – Some companies are so good at nurturing the sense of attachment that they fall into another extreme of the employee problem – having only senior team members on a board. These companies were most likely able to entice a strong sense of belonging, by creating a friendly working environment which eliminated the risks of high turnover. Employee engagement is, therefore, the only way, business leaders to have a fully – fledged retention strategy.

Better performance –  When was the last time you have succeeded in achieving something that you have hated? Our guess would be – Never. It might because it is difficult, if not entirely impossible for someone to achieve great results in something that they detest. The situations when a deadline is the only motivation to get a task done have a negative impact on the quality of work, as they will be able to keep going without the feeling of burnt out. Engagement employees performance rate is 20% better than their unengaged colleagues. A number that should not be ignored, by any strategic leader.

Engaged employees act as advocates for the business –  They really are your organic PR team. Since engaged employees love what they’ are doing, and what’s more important,  they value the company they are doing it for, there is a high chance they will be more eager to spread the good word, than the pool of the merely “satisfied employees”. And nothing resonates better with your clients than the true advocacy, commitment, and passion.  Test it in practice and see the results yourself!

Engaged workers can motivate others – Engagement is contagious. It may not be a general rule that is true for all kind of workplace, however, a wealth of evidence supports the notion that engaged individuals with their attachment, commitment, and investment in work can motivate their less engaged colleagues. It is because the people who are truly passionate often are ready to share their expertise and help others in succeeding.

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