5 Reasons Why Working in the Pharmaceutical Industry is Rewarding

The pharmaceutical industry is the most successful research-based industry in Britain and its employees contribute more to the national economy per head than those of any other sector. Nearly 70,000 people work in the industry, of whom nearly half are scientists and engineers, a fifth are technicians, laboratory assistants and draughtsmen and the remainder are administrative and other staff.

For many, the main motivation for entering the industry is the desire to help improve the lives of other people, and work in pharmaceuticals offers a greater opportunity than most industries for making a difference. As you will see, it involves far more than just handing out medicines at the local pharmacy.

1. Job satisfaction. Many workers value job satisfaction above most other factors when choosing a job. Although there are some who view the development and manufacture of drugs negatively, the fact is that drugs save lives and improve the quality of life of millions of people around the world. The enormous health benefits that drugs bring, makes working in the pharmaceutical industry highly rewarding and means that workers in the industry are dedicated and enthusiastic.

2. Opportunities for research. There is very little more exciting than making a breakthrough in your chosen field that will have a big impact on the lives of people in the future. In Britain, the pharmaceutical industry carries out more research than any other, offering employees the opportunity to be part of a team at the cutting edge of research into drugs that can change lives. If you can imagine how you would feel you helped to develop a drug that could beat cancer or cure Alzheimer’s, then you will understand why pharmaceutical research is important and rewarding.

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3. New technology. The pharmaceutical industry is not just about drugs and chemicals, albeit they are at its heart. The industry needs engineers of all types, IT experts and administrators. All are dedicated to the development and use of new technology designed to improve the development, manufacture and distribution of products. This means that the industry is dynamic and fast moving and at the cutting edge of technology.

4. Pay and conditions. Although working as a pharmacist is reward enough for many, you still have to make a living for you and your family. The pharmaceutical industry employs the best in their fields and pays them accordingly at very competitive rates. The industry is also vast, so there are plenty of opportunities for career advancement and for working in a variety of locations – many pharmaceutical companies are global, meaning that you may even get the chance to work overseas.

5. Variety. The world of pharmaceuticals never stands still. There are new developments and breakthroughs all the time, so you will have to keep pace. You will be working with professionals from a range of disciplines from around the world and will have the chance to work in a number of different environments. If variety is what you are looking for, then pharmaceuticals could be the job for you today.

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