6 Ways You Can Boost Your Career While You’re Still a University Student

It’s getting to be that time of year again when many university students are looking forward to their final year of school and finding their first jobs. Many will wait until they have completed their studies to begin the preparations for entering the job market, but others will begin with the groundwork of preparing for their career before they are graduated. Read on to find out how many will make themselves stand out from the crowd.

  1. Get your name out there. Let’s begin with the obvious. Anyone who wants to find a job will need to put their name out there as being in the market. This begins by letting employers know your name and who you are. This means telling lots of people what kind of work you want and what your background is. There are a lot of ways of doing this, including networking, posting an online portfolio for students, and more.
  2. Use Career Services. This is another resource for students looking to get a head start on their career while still in college. It is one that is often ignored, but it is a priceless resource that nearly every college has, and the service is staffed by pros who know what they’re doing. Not only that, but as you progress through your career, most colleges allow their alumni to return to their career services office for further assistance.
  3. Volunteer. Well placed people often volunteer their time to a good cause. What more natural way is there to reach these people than to volunteer at the same places where they do their own charity work? Volunteering your time with a recognized charity will also bring you into contact with people who have a similar passion.
  4. Get a Mentor. Experienced people love to help those who are up and coming in their fields. You can endear yourself to some of these kinds of people by being mentored by them. Find a mentor and stick with them.
  5. Attend Recruitment Events and Workshops. It might be hard to imagine when you are looking for a job, but it’s true: companies are always looking for good people. A job hunter can put themselves directly in front of someone who can hire them simply by showing up at a recruiting event. And these events are often on campus.
  6. Polish Your Tools to a High Gloss. It has been said often, but it bears repeating that anyone looking for a job should have a resume or a CV that is as good as they can make it. Again, this is another area where there are many resources to help, and most won’t cost a dime. This includes job resource centers, the Employment Development Department, and many more. What should a person do to get this kind of help? Just ask. It’s that simple.
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Getting a job while in college is simple. That doesn’t mean that it’s easy, but it is simple. Further, at least to a great extent, it’s a numbers game. The more a person puts themselves out there for others to see, the greater the chances are that they will end up with a job before they get out of college. It might take time, but it should be remembered that, as long as a person needs a job, someone is out there looking for them.

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