Our staff has years of experience in resume writing, career coaching, recruiting and career marketing. We’ve successfully guided hundreds of candidates down the right career path, and given them the right tools to succeed. Our writers and coaches are experts, so let us take a look and we’ll let you know if your resume is the problem in holding back your job search efforts. After you send your resume, we’ll let you know if your resume is fine, needs a little work, or needs to be completely renovated. We’ll also make appropriate recommendations based on your industry and career level.
Is your resume as strong as it should be? You would know that answer for sure if you had a resume analysis done. Not everyone is a strong resume writer and that is okay. Writing resumes is something that takes a lot of time and practice to perfect. Additionally, the world of resume writing is one that is constantly evolving. However, no matter what kind or resume you have presently, anyone can take what they have already done and have it analyzed by a pro in order to ensure they are on the right track.
Getting a resume analysis used to mean hiring a professional resume writer to look over what you had already done in regards to your resume and then having them make suggestions to you in order to make your resume as strong as possible. This was money well spent too, as a strong resume is the best way to ensure that you get plenty of resume views and eventually plenty of interviews.
Today, you can not only receive a resume analysis from a pro, but you can do so for free. There are many companies out there that will allow you to submit your resume for analysis for free and within a couple of days you will have the results back. They may tell you that your resume is just fine. They may tell you that it needs a little fine tuning. Then again, they may tell you that your resume should be scrapped and a new one written.
Once you get the feedback you can then determine how you want to proceed. If you have to make changes you can either have them do it for you, for a fee, or attempt to make the appropriate changes yourself. Just keep in mind, that if you didn’t nail down the perfect resume the first time, then you likely won’t as good a job as the pros would the second time.
Yes, having a resume pro make changes to your resume will cost money. However, the end result will likely be a much better opportunity at landing a great job, so it is well worth the investment.
Getting a free resume analysis really makes sense. You resume will be analyzed by a professional resume writer who will be attuned to all the small nuances that make up resume writing. They will also know what employer do and do not want to see on a resume. After all, writing resumes is their profession. So, you may be very good at what you do, but chances are that resume writers are much better at resume writing than you are.
Should you choose to get your resume analyzed be aware. There are still plenty of companies around that will charge you for this service. Again, the charge would certainly be worth it, but why pay for something that you can get done for free? In the end, just be sure that you do have your resume analyzed be a pro do you give yourself the best possible resume and, as result, the best possible shot at a rewarding job.