How to Become a Licensed Home Inspector in Your State

As a housing inspector it will be your job to determine if people’s living environments are tenable or not. You will check for things like mold, allergens, pests and even structural issues, like shaky or eroding foundations. Not only will you make sure that living arrangements are acceptable, but you will also follow strict ordinances and state laws to make sure properties are in compliance and up to code. For instance, you will make sure that there are no exposed wires that could be a fire hazard or if a certain heating and air conditioning system is dangerous or not. Here is how you can become a licensed home inspector in your state.

First, to become a housing inspector you need to have a lot of knowledge in different fields. Not only do you need your high school diploma, but also you need to show that you graduated from an undergraduate program with studies in everything from construction, architecture, science, business and the real estate market. In addition, you will also need to have excellent communication skills – you will be dealing with a lot of clients – and you need to have knowledge of all the newest computer equipment and applications.

Next, you need to take advanced courses in home inspection. There are many state and national home inspection training courses – online and on-campus. Usually, the on-campus training programs are more helpful, because they allow you to study on the field to get hands on experience that will be invaluable later when you actually have a position or are trying to apply for one. These courses are also important, because they will teach you about city gas lines and how they work, building codes, plumbing and electrical systems and how to conduct in-depth home inspections.

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After you’ve gone through your training program, which usually takes about 2 years, it is time to work on the field as an apprentice with an experienced and knowledgeable housing inspector. You can easily visit to find a licensed home inspector you can work with during your apprenticeship phase. Before you do, however, it is important to find out how many hours you need to clock in as an apprentice. Also, you need to make sure who you will be apprenticing under. How many years experience do they have? Do they have a good reputation? Doing your research before you find a licensed housing inspector will allow you to make the most out of your apprenticeship.

Lastly, you need to get your certification so that you can finally become a licensed housing inspector. This usually requires taking and passing an in-depth test, which will go over everything you learned both in your training program and during your apprenticeship. If you were paying attention you will undoubtedly pass with flying colors. To officially get your license you usually have to pay a fee and then apply for housing inspector’s insurance, which is important because housing inspectors are always getting entangled in legal battles. At the end of the day, the pros far outweigh the cons when it comes to becoming a housing inspector and once you have your license you will have quite a fulfilling career.

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