Improve Your Employment Odds Excellent Additions to Your Resume

Improve Your Employment Odds: Excellent Additions to Your Resume

Whether you’re applying for your very first job, have decided to change careers or work your way up the ladder- you’ll need a good resume. This is what will essentially sell your skills to an employer, a good resume will catch their interest and help you to stand out from the crowd. Here are some of the ways you can improve your resume and overall employability.

Recent education 

Being educated is important, and is something that just about any employer in any field of work is going to want to see on a resume. But if you finished school or university years ago, those qualifications probably hold less weight than you realize. Instead, good, relevant education is what employers want to see. You can add this to your resume by taking courses in related subjects to the job you’re applying for. You can study just about anything online these days, and taking a course and paying for it out of your own pocket shows an employer that you’re serious about working in the field you’re applying for. 

Relevant training

Being up to date in relevant training is also really important. For medical workers, an EMT refresher course for example is a great addition to a CV. For many types of jobs, training in first aid is always going to be a plus point so consider taking this kind of training so you can add it to your resume. Lots of training events and training days can be booked online, and as with education it shows that you’re proactive and serious about working in the field when an employer can see that you’ve gone ahead and undertaken this. 

See also  Job Hunting - 5 Tips For Making A Good First Impression

A driving license

A driving license and your own car will benefit most people in all kinds of ways, but had you considered that it might improve your odds in job searching too? Even if the job you want isn’t related to driving, being able to get around is often important in all kinds of roles. If it comes down to you and a similar candidate, you don’t want to be overlooked on this factor. See driving lessons as an investment in yourself, they can be expensive but it’s a skill that will last you a lifetime and benefit you in so many ways. 


Certain hobbies show employers that you potentially have transferable skills that will suit the job you’re applying for. They also hint at your personality, which is something they will want to know when adding a new team member to their current workplace culture. Think carefully about your hobbies, or consider starting new ones if you don’t have any worth mentioning. If for example the job you want relies heavily on teamwork, playing a team sport can show that you can work well with others. 

Voluntary work

Working for a charitable cause can show you have a compassionate side to your personality, and again showcase that you’re motivated outside of your work life. It can show that you’re a well rounded individual and again might prove that you’re the sort of person they’re looking for to integrate into their current team. 

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