
Active Work: Six Summer Jobs that Keep You Fit

Active Work, Six Summer Jobs that Keep You FitAs a student in search of a summer job, try spicing up your life. Don’t fall asleep at a desk or flip burgers. Take a look at six summer jobs that keep you fit. You’ll look good, feel better, and be ready to grab the world by the tail.

Hit the Gym Fitness

Apply at a fitness center. You can be an assistant in exercise classes or out on the floor. If you have previous experience with sports or want to be a personal trainer, this is the place for you. Polish your skills and hone your body in the process.

Work with Kids

Anything with children takes energy. Sign up for summer camp, apply at a daycare, or try the local program offered by the community center. You’re going to need to get plenty of rest because kids never run out of steam.

Be a Lifeguard

Dive in the public pool or hit the beach. Get a cozy job along the coast and soak in some rays. Take a look at country clubs as well. Parents are sending their kids off for the day, entrusting someone like you to be at the ready if a swimming emergency strikes.

Assist at State Parks

Walk on the wild side when you head out for parks and conservation. Climb a mountain, preserve nature, and keep moving. Play your cards right and you’ll have free accommodations in some of the most beautiful locations in the country.

Build Your Body Doing Construction

Assist a contractor or become a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity. Flex your muscles when you’re part of a construction crew. This is a good way to open doors to opportunity as well. You could become an apprentice or return for a full-time job.

See also  8 Steps to Finding a Job Right Now

Think Home Security

Work for a company like Vivint home security, found in Biloxi MS and across the US, and you’ll find it hard to catch your breath. Installations take grunt work. Assist in putting in alarm systems, solar panels, home automation, and energy management equipment. There’s little down time when you have a long list of customers waiting for you.

Choose a summer job that puts your body to the test and you’ll have a hard time keeping your eyes open at the end of the day. You’ll head back to school in fighting form and be ready for a break from your vacation. Stay in shape by working hard.

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