Are You Holding Yourself Back From Finding The Right Career?

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When it comes to your career you may be wondering whether you made the right choice. Back in those education days we are often expected to know what we want to do in our lives, and sometimes that just isn’t the case. So we work our way through subjects we enjoy and perhaps fall into a job that becomes our future career. For some this works out well, but for others, they may be desperate to make that chance and finally do something they enjoy and feel passionate about. But how do you make the change? Are you holding yourself back? I wanted to share with you some of the things you could consider to help you get into the right career.

Do you know what you want to do?

One of the first things to consider is your confidence levels to be sure in your judgement of what you want to do with your life. Maybe you have been thinking about making the change for some time? Or perhaps you finally know where your skills lie best thanks to some of the experience you have already gained. You just now need to have the confidence to make that change in your job, go for something different or even change industries and fields entirely.

Getting the qualifications in which to advance your prospects

There could be one obvious thing stopping you from getting a new job that you finally enjoy and feel passionate about and that might be the qualifications you have. Whether that is something simple such as an online diploma in medical office administration to help you get into a different profession, or something specific such as sales training, business management or accounting. You may find that the job you want require you to learn and gain new knowledge, so doing this could help you finally land the dream job.

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Having the right resume to get a foot in the door

Your resume is your chance to make a first impression, but do you really take advantage of it enough? Some people may be guilty to letting their past jobs and skills do the talking, but a killer resume has more about you as a person as well as how your experience has moulded you into the person you are today. You might also want to consider changing your resume to ensure that it matches the job and industry you want to work in. Rather than it looking generic and the same as the next one that lands in the inbox.

Having the confidence to nail the interview

Finally, once you get the foot in the door the chance to impress and make a good first impression doesn’t end the. The final hurdle is the interview, and often this can be the hardest to master. A good idea would be to ensure that you feel confident in your appearance, and perhaps even practice some potential questions that may come your way. Make sure you really are intune with your past experience and the skills you could bring to the job.

I hope that this gives you the confidence to go for a job that you really want to do.

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