Are You Treating Your Employees How You Want to Be Treated?

If you’ve ever worked for a terrible boss or an annoying manager then you probably know what it’s like to suffer under their rule. They make bad decisions that affect everyone in the company but themselves, or they don’t provide you with enough support to do the jobs they ask you to do. Whatever the case is, bad bosses are a bane to every working person but there’s really not much you can do outside of quitting the job or filing a complaint, both of which are going to have a negative effect on your career.

But if you’ve broken out of that situation and currently have your own small business to run, then are you also seeing it from the other side? Do you treat your employees with respect? Or do you throw terrible jobs onto them and expect them to follow your every order? In this article, we’re going to be talking about how you should treat employees if you want to earn their trust and respect, and we’ll be going over a few considerations to keep in mind when approaching the way you interact with employees.

Forget the micromanagement

Micromanagement is a danger that needs to be handled correctly or else you could end up ruining your chances of having a trusting workforce that is autonomous and understands your business just as well as you do. One of the biggest problems with micromanaging your employees is that it’s simply not efficient. You could try everything you want to give them orders one-by-one or overlook every single thing they do, but not only is this showing a lack of trust in your employees, it’s also creating a bottleneck in your workflow where you’re stalling everything. Forget micromanagement and let your employees have some control over their decisions to create a better company culture.

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Give them all a chance

Remember that many of your employees are working for you not because of the money, but because they want to advance their careers. Give them an opportunity to grow by offering them leadership training to upgrade them from a regular employee to a manager or someone in a position of power. Every employee you have deserves a chance to advance (assuming they work hard for you) so don’t neglect the opportunity to promote them when you see fit.

Keep all of your staff up to date

Another important thing to keep in mind is how often you keep your staff up to date. It’s crucial that none of your staff members feel out of the loop and you can do this by constantly keeping them up to date regarding changes in your business or workflow. They should be the first to know when a major change is taking place and they should have plenty of time to adjust their workflow in order to fit the changes. For example, if you’re moving an employee from one team or department to another, then consider the long-term effects of it and let those affected know so they can plan ahead.

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