Top 3 Interview Questions

When preparing for an interview there a certain questions that you can guarantee will be asked and there’s no reason not to have an answer ready.  Not only is it a good idea to have an answer prepared to these top 3 interview questions, but make sure you are comfortable giving your response.  Practice your…

Submit a resume even when no vacant position is advertised

Submit a resume even when no vacant position is advertised

Job search is a very time-consuming activity and if you can’t easily find an acceptable job, the whole experience gets very frustrating. Sometimes a good position requires more than you can offer, or you are a perfect match for a position but unfortunately, just right now, the company doesn’t seek people with your qualifications. When…

Dress the Part

Dress the Part

There’s a common saying out there – “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.”  The comedic response has been, “So I dress as an astronaut everyday,” but there is something to take from this saying. While it may be acceptable to dress in jeans and t-shirts at your workplace, it is…