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5 Things That Can Improve Your Chances of Getting a Job

Are you becoming stressed out while looking for a new job? There are five things job seekers must do to multiply their chances for work. Use these tips while vying for a new position to get the gig. Update your resume Job candidates should never venture into the job market without updating their resumes. Adults…

Running a Small Business? How To Build Company Loyalty
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Running a Small Business? How To Build Company Loyalty

Take advantage of all the opportunities you get as a small business owner. In addition to funding, you need loyal, long-term workers. The staff is the backbone of any successful company. When employees do not care about their work, they bring the entire company down. Review several ways that you can build company loyalty. Promote…

Small Business Owner? Small Investments that Will Raise Value
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Small Business Owner? Small Investments that Will Raise Value

Launching a small business can be a very rewarding endeavor. Both wealth and personal freedom can be gained form the establishment of a new business endeavor. Success is not a guarantee. There do have to be a few things done in order to increase the chances of success and increase the potential value of the…

The 10 Most Popular Business School Interview Questions

The 10 Most Popular Business School Interview Questions

Business school offers an unique opportunity to expand your professional skills. Graduate programs like the Master of Business Administration (MBA) include interviews where you are close to becoming admitted into the business school. The interview is a crucial component to the admissions process where you are typically interviewed by the admissions director at the business…

Five Jobs that Put You Front and Center with the Customer

Five Jobs that Put You Front and Center with the Customer

Whether your company manufactures goods, sells products, or provides services, its life blood is the customer. It requires workers like the following to provide satisfaction. The Mindshare customer experience management system is an excellent way of improving interactions with customers. Customer Service Representative Dealing with customers face-to-face, by phone or by email forms the primary…

5 Tips You Should Follow To Land Your Next Job Interview

5 Tips You Should Follow To Land Your Next Job Interview

Landing an interview can be difficult even when the job outlook is favorable. Getting an advantage over the competition can be done when the applicant is equipped with the right information. This is why so many human resources professionals are sharing invaluable tips and recommendations for those who need the help. Here are 5 tips…

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Five Ways a Criminal Record Can Impact Your Job Search

Nearly every employer will asks job applicants to about a criminal record. A criminal record is not always a disqualifying factor when looking for employment. It can make things more complex. A criminal record will impact a job search in a number of ways.   5. Fewer Career Options A criminal record will affect a…

Dress the Part: What to Wear During Your Next Job Interview
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Dress the Part: What to Wear During Your Next Job Interview

Like it or not, the way that you look can play a role into whether or not you are offered a job. You land a call for an interview by spending your time gaining experience and constructing a professional resume, but all of that hard work can be erased if you don’t spend time putting…

Never be Late to Another Business Meeting: 5 Simple Tips to Help You Arrive on Time
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Never be Late to Another Business Meeting: 5 Simple Tips to Help You Arrive on Time

Meetings and appointments are part of most jobs. Being late for a meeting can reflect negatively on a person and might even result in disciplinary action if it happens frequently. Making it to meetings on time requires a certain level of planning. There are five simple tips that will help anyone arrive on time for…

5 Important Job Positions New Business Owners Tend to Underestimate

5 Important Job Positions New Business Owners Tend to Underestimate

As an employer, you understand that your workforce is the lifeblood of your organization. Without your valued and skilled employees working to promote your company’s interests on a regular basis, your company would not function as it currently does. While you may find value in each of your employees for different reasons, the fact is…

College Students: 5 Part Time Jobs You Can Do While Going to School

College Students: 5 Part Time Jobs You Can Do While Going to School

College students long for freedom from the constraints of going to school and living with parents, but how can they get it? Getting a job on campus may be appealing to some students, but sometimes there are more opportunities away from school. With so many college students looking for jobs, it may be worthwhile to…