Interview Preparation: The 4 Tactics To Help You Get The Job You Deserve

Interview Preparation: The 4 Tactics To Help You Get The Job You Deserve

A job interview can be quite nerve-wracking because it could either make or break your relationship with potential employers. However, the interview will go a lot smoother if you take the time to prepare for it. There are several things that you will need to do to ensure that you have a successful interview. Below…

Stuck at the Gate? Six Standards for Corporate Success
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Stuck at the Gate? Six Standards for Corporate Success

In the current job market, only those who meet the high standards of corporate hiring managers will make the cut. There are just too many applicants looking for positions. You need to make sure that you really dazzle in order to get a position. In order to make the best impression possible, follow these six…

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Get Rid of Those Interview Jitters: Tips to Nailing Your Next Job

The interview process can be one of the most frustrating and nerve-wracking things a person can go through. Not only is it extremely pressured, but not getting that call back can be a huge blow to self esteem, and can have a negative effect on all subsequent job interviews. Getting the interview is the hard…

Knock Their Socks Off: Six Tips for Nailing Your Job Interview

Knock Their Socks Off: Six Tips for Nailing Your Job Interview

Many people are on the hunt for a job, but finding one can be difficult. While having a great resume is important, perhaps the single most important thing you will do during your search for a job is go to an interview. Interviewing is a learned skill, and while it may seem intimidating, there are…

Five Pre-Interview tasks that Often Get Overlooked
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Five Pre-Interview tasks that Often Get Overlooked

One of the most exciting experiences of an individual’s life is oftentimes interviewing for a job. Because jobs offer individuals the opportunity to make the type of personal and professional advancements that can entail financial stability and personal fulfillment, people who are scheduled for interviews should take time to prepare for them so that they…

Cocky vs. Confident Job Applicants

Cocky vs. Confident Job Applicants

I’d like to begin this post by giving the dictionary definition of the word “cocky”.  I’ll then tell you why this is relevant. Cock-y adjective adjective: cocky; comparative adjective: cockier; superlative adjective: cockiest Conceited or arrogant, esp. in an overconfident or boastful way.             Synonyms: egotistical, presumptuous, boastful, overconfident, bold, insolent   Okay, here’s where I’m going…

5 Steps to Acing a Job Interview and Making a Lasting Impression

5 Steps to Acing a Job Interview and Making a Lasting Impression

So, you’re expecting a big interview, and you want to know how to leave the interviewer in awe. Interviews are tricky; mainly because all interviewers are different and the stakes could be incredibly high. Either way, there are many things you can do to make a good impression and increase your chances of landing the…