
Job Search Networking: How to Make it Work for You

Most people, when they think about their job search, think mainly in terms of browsing and responding to job ads.  Pinning all your hopes on this method damages your chances of getting a job, however.  The majority of jobs are never actually posted, and likewise, it is estimated that at least 60 percent of jobseekers…

How To Find A New Job In Later Life

How to Find a Job

Whether you’re just out of college or have been in the workforce for decades, it’s typically not easy to find a new job. If you’re currently job hunting, you’re not alone. Some studies suggest that as many as 75 percent of people are looking for a job at any given time. That’s a lot of…

How to Format a Resume

How to Format a Resume

If you learned to write a resume more than 10 years ago, you may be thinking, “I didn’t know there were different formats.” That’s because until recently, most workers were pretty predictable: they stayed at the same company—or at least within the same field—throughout their careers. Few people switched careers, and they certainly didn’t switch…

How to Describe Yourself in an Interview

How to Describe Yourself in an Interview

There you are dressed your best and being interviewed for the job of your dreams and the dreaded question gets asked, ‘Describe yourself for me.’ This question is almost always asked by perspective employers and almost always answered with a resounding uuuuuh… Knowing how to describe yourself in an interview can mean the difference of…

Shaking hands

How to Describe Weaknesses in a Job Interview

Human resources professionals, recruiters and others who interview job applicants seem to have a fondness for that much-dreaded question about how you would describe your own weaknesses. As much as those hiring love to ask the question, almost every job seeker hates to answer it. Describe your weaknesses is a double-edged sword of a question….

How to Create a Video Resume

How to Create a Video Resume

Video resumes are here to stay! Changing times, better technology and widespread internet access have changed recruiting practices. Paper resumes are passé and video resumes are the next generation of making employee selections by providing better understanding of the prospective candidate before a face to face interview. Video resumes are a great option for candidates to…