18 and Life to Go (or, Some of What I Wish I’d Known at 18)

18 and Life to Go (or, Some of What I Wish I’d Known at 18)

Right now the world may look different than it ever has before. There are new possibilities, but new worries as well. You’re experiencing some freedom that wasn’t yours previously, and with it added responsibility, expectations, and maybe even stress. Some of that might be external, with family, friends, and teachers asking what your plans, your…

Prepping for Your First Employee Your Complete New Employee Checklist

Prepping for Your First Employee: Your Complete New Employee Checklist

Ready, set, wait! On average it takes 42 days, and anywhere from $4,129 and up, for employers to fill an open position in their company. Depending on the industry, and type of role they’re hiring for, the wait time, and costs can go even higher. After finding the right employee, the expenses only continue to grow. Training classes,…

Your Ultimate Guide to Seeking Payroll Certification

Your Ultimate Guide to Seeking Payroll Certification

Are you a payroll professional looking to take your career to the next level? If so, you should consider getting a payroll certification. Payroll isn’t what it used to be. Modern payroll can be a very complicated process, so maintaining accreditation with continuing education is a great way to stay up to date and keep…

The Hidden Job Market

The Hidden Job Market

Regular readers of jobgoround.com will know all about the hidden jobs market.  It’s the reason why we optimize our Linkedin profiles – because some jobs simply aren’t advertised. These jobs – typically senior level – are usually filled by retained executive search consultants – so-called “headhunters.”  Headhunters work under cover of secrecy – they are…

Some Of The Best LinkedIn Tips For 2020

Some Of The Best LinkedIn Tips For 2020

As the LinkedIn platform continues to become increasingly reliable for companies to find influencers, partners, new employees, and more, your LinkedIn profile is only going to continue to increase in importance along with it. Below, we will be going over different steps to ensure that your profile is fully ready to showcase yourself in 2020:…