Setting Milestones 7 Ideas on What to Do with Your Life Once You've Graduated from College

Setting Milestones: 7 Ideas on What to Do with Your Life Once You’ve Graduated from College

Graduating from college is a big step in a person’s life as many opportunities and changes await them. Stepping into adulthood may be intimidating and scary, but it shouldn’t be. Taking on more responsibilities and moving forward with your life should be embraced. Below is a closer look at seven different things a person should…

The Strategic Role of Workforce Management

The Strategic Role of Workforce Management

The first goal that workforce management should achieve in any company is to be aligned with the business’s short-term and long-term objectives. Workforce planning is a term that covers everything HR-related from annual reviews and merit increases to employee demographics. This task gets more daunting when the size of your company and workforce gets bigger….

Beyond the Classroom: Top 7 Jobs for Education Majors

Beyond the Classroom: Top 7 Jobs for Education Majors

Nearly 45 years ago, 1/4 of students majored in education. Now, fewer than one in ten Americans pursuing higher education are studying education. What has changed since 1975? A lot. Which is why it’s more important than ever to bring attention to the education world. It’s important to bring awareness to why fewer and fewer students are majoring in…

Here’s How You Can Grow Your Career In The Oil & Gas Industry

Here’s How You Can Grow Your Career In The Oil & Gas Industry

The petroleum industry is highly lucrative and rewarding and you can grow your career exponentially if you have graduated with qualifications that allow you to specialize in this industry. Canada has a high number of senior executives in the oil and gas industry who are poised to retire soon. This is bound to create a…

Returning To Education After Dropping Out: Advice & Tips

Returning To Education After Dropping Out: Advice & Tips

Dropping out of college is never a simple decision, and there are multiple reasons why students may come to the conclusion that it is their only sensible choice in the moment. Whether it’s struggling with health issues, needing to care for family members, or simply finding the whole college experience too much, every choice to…

Dust Yourself off and Try Again How to Improve Your Interviewing Skills

Dust Yourself off and Try Again: How to Improve Your Interviewing Skills

Sure, interviewing for a new position can be stressful and anxiety provoking but it doesn’t have to when you give yourself the confidence booster you need. It took less than 2 weeks to get a job offer for 43% of new hires involved in one survey. Job offers don’t come that fast for everyone, but brushing up…

Career Choices 7 Good Reasons to Become a Doctor

Career Choices: 7 Good Reasons to Become a Doctor

Thinking of pursuing medicine as a career but not sure whether it’s a good move? Here are compelling reasons to become a doctor. In 2018, there were over 800,000 applications to attend medical school. Being a doctor is one of the most challenging careers, but what makes it so popular? Doctors play a vital role in society…

What Do You Do When You Don't Feel Supported By Your Employers

What Do You Do When You Don’t Feel Supported By Your Employers?

Do you think the perfect job exists? When we feel that we’ve hit the motherload, we can do everything we can to keep hold of it. Sometimes it’s the career that we want, but sometimes it’s the environment that we thrive in. But what happens when you think you’ve got the perfect job common but…