5 Essential Tips for Writing the Perfect Resume

5 Essential Tips for Writing the Perfect Resume

Psychologists have determined making a good first impression takes seconds, often less than 30. Thankfully, when we meet someone in person we have time to correct our impression if the initial 30 seconds don’t go well. We shouldn’t be worried, right? Wrong. It may be different in person, but it turns out, you’re afforded a similar 30…

Infographic: Resume Mistakes You Have to Avoid if You Want to Get Hired

Infographic: Resume Mistakes You Have to Avoid if You Want to Get Hired

If you’re looking for a job, you’re resume is what’s going to get it for you. Yes of course it’s important to have a good LinkedIn profile and a clean online record and cover letter that sounds like an actual human wrote it, but your resume is still the most important piece of your application…

Five Mistakes That Can Put Your Resume At The Bottom Of The Pile

Five Mistakes That Can Put Your Resume At The Bottom Of The Pile

The resume is the most important tool in your job-hunting arsenal. It’s what gets your foot in the door, what vouches for you when you can’t do it in person, and it’s the first impression you make on a potential employer. As such, mistakes with your resume can sink your chances before you have the…

CV Writing Services & Writing a Great CV

CV Writing Services & Writing a Great CV

In the UK alone employers receive an average of 60 applicants for everyadvertisement of a low-skilled job and around 20-30 applicants for every high-skilledjob – and this reinforces why your CV should stand above the rest for thehighest chance of success. Most applicants to these jobs are actually qualified, in fact, the CIPD (chartered institute…

The Resume Loopholes Which Could Help You Work Around A Lack Of Experience

The Resume Loopholes Which Could Help You Work Around A Lack Of Experience

When applying for jobs nowadays, we all hear one-word time and again; experience, experience, experience. It’s the reason students fresh out of uni are struggling to secure jobs. It may also be the reason you’re stuck in a career you don’t love. If the advice is anything to go by, it’s impossible to break into…

Even Industry Outsiders Can Gain The Upper-Hand With A Resume Like This

Even Industry Outsiders Can Gain The Upper-Hand With A Resume Like This

There comes a time in many of our lives where we fancy a career change. That makes sense given how much our tastes and desires alter over the years. It’d be madness to assume that a field which interested you when you were eighteen is still going to have your attention at 40+. Sadly, many…

A Resume Can Make or Break Your Career 7 Elements of a Winning Resume Template

A Resume Can Make or Break Your Career: 7 Elements of a Winning Resume Template

Your resume is your chance to make a first impression on a potential employer so you want to ensure that it makes a positive impression. Since resumes are so crucial, many services exist offering resume templates, such as https://www.livecareer.com/resume-templates. You do not want to choose just any template, however. Instead, make sure that the resume…