Considering A Career Change? Don’t Rush The Decision!

Are you at a point in life where you automatically dread going to work in the morning? Do you feel like you’re sat clock watching constantly during your working hours, just watching the minutes slowly tick by? 

Whatever the reason for considering a career change, it’s important that you take the time to think carefully about the decision. If you feel like you don’t love your job anymore or you find yourself wanting a new challenge, then you may feel compelled to look at what other options there are out there. 

However, before you throw caution to the wind and hand in your resignation, take the time to think carefully about your proposed career change and determine if it is the best move for you right now. 

Consider if it’s what you really want

The first step is to think about whether a change of career is really what you want. Is it that you’re simply going through a rut with your job but actually love what you do? Or, is it that you really don’t enjoy your job and have thought about making a career change for a while, but have only just found the courage to take the leap? You need to be clear about this change because once you quit your job, there’s no going back. So, take the time to think carefully about changing roles, and consider whether it’s going to be the best move for you to make. 

Think about what you need from a new role

Next, you need to consider what you want from a new job and how that new role will fit your personality and preferences. More and more people are choosing to undertake a MBTI personality assessment prior to sourcing a new role, in the hope that by doing so they will gain a stronger insight into the career sectors that could be a good fit for their personality. This could be something worth considering, as by finding a role to fit your personality, as well as your skills and experience, you may be able to source that perfect long-term job role that you’ve been dreaming of since you left college. 

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Source the perfect role 

The next step is to think about what you actively want and need from a new role: do you want a role that’s similar to the one you have now, but offers a few key differences, such as being closer to where you live or offering a higher rate of pay? Or, do you want a completely different role? You need to think carefully about what you actually want your new role to entail, to ensure that you are able to source a job that is a perfect fit for your current wants and needs. It’s not just about the job title – there’s so much more to finding that perfect role than that. 

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