We’re looking for freelance writers who have fun, unique ideas for finding a job or starting a business. We’d love to hear your personal experience, especially if you can share detailed numbers, strategies, and advice.
What are We Looking for in a Pitch?
We’re seeking evergreen articles, at least 600-1000 words.
Read other JobGoRound posts. Get a feel for the tone of the site. We’re informative, relaxed and excited about providing practical advice that really helps people to succeed in the job marketplace.
Focus on being useful. How will your post help readers to accomplish something? We like practical, actionable advice that our readers can put to use in their own lives. Share detailed instructions to help someone else follow in your footsteps, and interview those who have advice to share.
Types of Posts We Want From You:
These are typically about people who started their own business, have unique jobs, had success in their careers, or other similar stories. Keep in mind that we will need good photos for the post.
Please email us to send us your pitch and be sure to use the subject Blog Post Pitch.