Emailing Your Cover Letter and Resume

email resume When it comes to getting a job, the name of the game is cover letter and resume distribution. When you think about a fast an efficient way to do this, the first thing that should pop into your mind is e-mail. Not only is e-mailing fast and effective, but it is also able to be done at no cost to you.

When you set out to e-mail your cover letter and your resume you need to make sure that you are following what the potential employer wants. This means finding out if the employer will accept attachments or not and if there is any special information required within the e-mail.

If the potential employer will accept attachments then your cover letter should be placed in the body of the e-mail with your resume then sent as an attachment to that e-mail. However, if the potential employer doesn’t accept attachments then you have to cut and copy first your cover letter and then your resume into the body of the e-mail.

A common mistake that many people make when e-mailing their cover letters and resumes is that they neglect their cover letter. Just because you are in fact e-mailing the cover letter, doesn’t mean that you should give it any less attention that you normally would. Follow the same rules that you would if you were mailing your cover letter and resume and you should be all set.

Additionally, be sure that whatever you type into the body of the e-mail gets a good review and is edited several times for spelling and grammar. Once you have the perfect cover letter formula for one e-mail then you can make that a template and use it for every time you wish to send out your cover letter in e-mail format.

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Finding a job is all about exposure these days. The more times your cover letter and resume get viewed, the more your phone will ring with job offers. Make that happen a little faster with the power and speed of e-mail.

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