Finding a Career with Forex

The forex market is the largest in the world and offers a plethora of opportunities for anyone with an interest in a financial career. Unlike a lot of jobs in the finance industry, you do not always need a degree or years of training to take up one of the various positions that become available. If you’ve got an interest in trading, investing or the financial sector in general, then these are some of the forex careers that could open to you.

Forex Trader

Arguably the most popular career is that of a forex trader. There are many advantages of forex trading, such as the low costs to get started, high liquidity and the fact that you can begin as a part-time trader. For example, with Hantec Markets you can sign up and get started with a demo account quickly, before moving on to trade your own funds for real. As a forex trader, all you need is a good understanding of how the market and trading works, a platform to trade through and the skills to profit. This can lead on to working as a professional trader for a brokerage.

Account Manager

Successful forex traders can move on to work inhouse and become a professional forex trader. The very best can work their way up to an account manager position, which are a lot higher stakes. This involves taking charge of clients’ finances, be they a bank, business or individual, and trading for them. Banks for example, may need you to hedge against currency fluctuations, while an individual may just want to boost their finances.

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Less pressure than actually trading forex, a currency or forex market analyst works for a brokerage and researches the forex market. They will write up price movements, predictions and forecasts on a regular basis, along with providing daily commentary. You must have a great knowledge of the market and be able to create high-quality content in a short time frame, as traders will use such information to inform their actions.


There are plenty of people out there willing to get involved trading forex but have little idea where to start. Learn the markets and eventually you could be teaching them. It could be through an online blog and videos, in a university or advising big companies. This isn’t entry-level but a good option for the future and with a lot less risk.

With many exciting possibilities starting a career in the forex market, decide which best fits your skills and desires.

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