
Five Real Jobs for the Hardcore Personality

For some, the cubicle is a fine place to be. They’re content with fairly standard jobs. They like the predictable, 9-to-5 drill. However, hardcore personalities want more. Thankfully, there are real jobs out there for those who are tough, strong, and possessed of a hardcore personality. Here are five of those jobs.Five Real Jobs for the Hardcore Personality

1. Logger

For those who enjoy being outdoors and enjoy risk, the logging industry may be the right choice. This is one of the most dangerous jobs out there. However, loggers do get to spend a lot of time in the outdoors and have a changing work environment. The level of danger can help to keep the job from growing dull.

The median pay for a logger is $32,870 per year.

2. Air Traffic Controller

This is a job made for adrenaline junkies. While it doesn’t take muscles, it does take total concentration over long hours and is a very high stakes occupation. The goal is to direct multiple planes safely.

While you do not face personal physical risk, you have the lives of thousands of people in your hands every day. One mess up, and everyone on an airliner could die in a horrible crash.

The job does require an associate’s degree. Compensation is fairly high, though. The median pay is $108,040 per year.

3. Private Investigator

Private investigators have a varied work environment. One day, an investigator is tailing some adulterous spouse. The next day may be spent verifying backgrounds.

According to private investigator Brooklyn, the job offers a lot of freedom in terms of the sort of work one takes. It also offers flexibility in hours.

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No particular educational background is required to be a private investigator. Much of the career is learned on the job. However, having some college experience may be beneficial given the wide variety of experiences a private investigator may encounter.

The median pay is $42,870 per year.

4. Roofer

If you don’t mind heights, roofing might be the right job for you. This is a job that requires strength, stamina and a certain fearlessness as roof repairs and installation are conducted.

The median pay is $34,220 per year.

5. Trucker

For those who enjoy travel, being a trucker can be a good fit. A Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) is required, and a high level of being comfortable alone for long periods of time is strongly recommended.

The median pay is $37,770 per year.

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