Five Specialty Services You Should Look Into
The world is slowly evolving into a genetically engineered nightmare and each year an increasing number of children suffer from respiratory illnesses or food sensitivities including asthma and gluten allergies. More adults than ever are beginning to experience the onset of environmental allergies that trigger itchy eyes and runny noses. In addition to helping people feel better, you will be able to work standard office hours and earn upwards of $100,000 annually according to the United States Department of Labor Statistics (BLS).
Preventative Medicine
Consider stopping problems before they start through preventative medicine. Practitioners spot potential health threats and enforce disease prevention tactics. Work environments include medical facilities, business offices and foreign countries. This particular field offers additional sub-specialties in toxicology and underwater medicine. As an assistant, you can easily earn $100,000 annually, but people with extensive experience bring home more than $200,000 a year.
Pediatric Dentistry
Working with children is the easiest path to job satisfaction. For the greatest success, you will have to place parents AND children at ease with effective communication skills. This position features shorter training periods and an annual salary upwards of $200,000 per year. Another perk to this job is you can decorate the office in a more fun way than you could if you were a regular dentist. If you are interested in this field, you may consider shadowing a pediatric dentist San Jose to get a feel of the job.
If you don’t consider yourself a people person, the perfect position for you is anesthesiology. Anesthesiology also offers a better work schedule than other types of medicine. The position requires additional training, but also generates less stress among practitioners. Salaries range between $220,000 and $344,000 USD per year, so all that additional schooling eventually pays off.
As a psychiatrist, you will be able to prescribe medications as a part of patient therapy. Potential employment opportunities exist in self-employment, government agencies and traditional medical settings. With starting salaries of $167,000, you can expect relatively normal office hours and a shorter workweek.