Five Things That Affect Your Ability to Get a Job

Five Things That Affect Your Ability to Get a JobJob hunting is always stressful, and with unemployment on the rise, you want to do everything you can to guarantee you can get a job. Sometimes there may be something that is impacting your ability to get a job, and you may not even know it. Here are a few things that may affect your “hireability.”

Your background check has hiccups

Obviously, if you have committed a crime you know about it, but you may not be realizing how seriously people may take that. One of the things that show up on your background check that can turn employers away is a DUI. If you think you’re being turned away because of that, then contact a DUI lawyer in Delaware or a Newark DUI attorney to see if anything can be done.

Your resume looks sloppy

Companies may get hundreds of resumes for an open position. Just skimming them can take hours. Don’t give them any reason to toss yours away just to narrow the pool. Double- and triple-check it for misspellings. Make sure your format is professional and easy to read.

Your resume has gaps

It’s a red flag for companies if they see you haven’t been doing anything in the last year and a half while you’ve been out of work. Here’s an excellent tip to help fill those gaps: Pick up some volunteer work. That gives you something to put on your resume, keeps you busy, and helps you network even when you’re unemployed.

You’re not networking

Sending in resumes and perusing job ad sites is a start, but in an economy where there are always more applicants than jobs, you don’t stand a chance if you never establish face-to-face contact. Look to make personal connections with people who work in the company. If nothing else, they’ll remember you when they’re sorting through applications and resumes later. The best avenue for acquiring the skills may be to get a masters degree in either business or public administration. These programs are catered to helping you identify the best candidates for your company, as well as providing you with a plethora of other sound business tactics.

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Your attitude is unpleasant

Put your best foot forward in interviews and cover letters. Now may not be the right time to show off your darkly sardonic sense of humor or complain about how hard it’s been to find work. Present yourself as someone other people will love to work with. Make a positive impression.

If you can get any of these things taken care of before you go in for your next interview, or at least be prepared to answer for them, you will be able to turn things around. Good luck on your job search!

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