Five Ways to Further Your Education While Teaching

When teaching, it is important to find ways to continue learning even when not on the job. Much like painting or medicine, teaching is both a discipline and an art that can always benefit from more practice and skill development. This is especially true when teachers are considering degrees for career advancement or are simply interested in using continuing education to hone their abilities.

Here are just a few ways teachers can broaden their horizons while already pursuing work in the field.

1. Free Online Classes

As many people discover the advantages of taking classes online, more top-tier universities, such as Yale and MIT, are providing their lectures in video form free of charge. With subjects ranging from psychology to economics, these lectures offer wonderful ways to hear cutting-edge professors explain their areas of expertise and are great ways to learn about new fields. Of course you won’t earn any degree just by listening to online lectures, but its a great way to gain new information or even impress a higher up with your expertise.

2. Online Research

As more and more academic journals find their way online, brushing up on top methods for teaching and discussion of education among experts is becoming easier and easier. Using sites that provide academic journals to a wide readership like ResearchGate can do much to expand a teacher’s horizons.

3. Online Degrees

When specializing in an area of teaching about which one has become passionate, teachers can do much to increase their level of job satisfaction and pay. Earning the degree of Master in Gifted Education online can provide the training and knowledge that will allow teachers to work with advanced students, for example, with many gifted education teachers finding the job both challenging and rewarding. With this special degree, you have more job prospects and more options.

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4. University Podcasts

With mp3 players becoming common devices in everyday life, many people interested in expanding their educations can now learn on the go anytime they want. Whether on the bus or out for a jog, listening to podcasts from institutions such as Oxford University can provide hours of enjoyment and deeply meaningful learning experiences. For many teachers, the ability to learn from Oxford professors while keeping their day job is a dream come true.

5. Following Educational Journalism

For people working in teaching, staying abreast of recent trends in the field can be beneficial on many levels. Publications such as the Chronicle of Higher Education can provide up-to-date news and job advice for teachers, especially when one is considering studying towards a PhD in the future or is thinking of applying for jobs at colleges and universities.

Just because you are already involved in a full time career education others, doesn’t mean your own opportunity for learning is over. You can still learn about current events, new technology, or brush up on the latest teaching techniques by trying some of these options. Even if you aren’t interested in getting a promotion or teaching a new subject, learning something new can often be one of the most rewarding pursuits one has during their free time.


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