How Can You Become More Employable

How Can You Become More Employable?

Hunting for jobs can be hard. You can apply to a hundred and only get ten responses. Of those responses, only two or three may offer an interview. An interview does not always guarantee a job, and unless you manage to stand out, you will be back to square one soon enough. 

To overcome this hump, you can work on becoming more employable, because no matter how good your resume looks or how professionally you dress, these are not the only things that employers look for what recruiting. But how can you become more employable? 

Improve Your Skills

You can improve your skills by seeking out courses and programs to make your application more appealing to employers. 

Often, these skills are essential to getting a new job. They demonstrate that you are willing new learn new things and also have the dedication to move forward in your career. If you’re looking for a job in construction, obtaining a forklift operational licence is an excellent step towards better employability. Still, new skills can apply to any career you are interested in. 

Work On Your Interview Technique

Improving your skills and having the qualifications will not be the only thing that makes you more employable, though. You might be the most qualified person around, but if your interview technique is lacking, you will not get the job you want, as you are unable to sell yourself to the interviewer. 

One way you can do this is to focus on the STAR principles. This stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. If you apply this to any of the interview questions posed to you, your chances of being hired will significantly improve. It’s also useful to get feedback from unsuccessful interviews to find areas where you can improve. 

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Network Within Your Industry

In many industries, it’s all about who you know, rather than what you know. This is why networking is one of the most effective ways to become more employable. 

Networking gives you the chance to sell yourself outside of the interview environment. You can get to know influential people in your industry on a more personal level. As long as you make a good impression, they will have a favorable opinion of you and may recommend you when a suitable opportunity arises.

Become a Voice

There are no two ways about it; employers will look at your social media before your interview to gauge who you are and what you are like. You’ve likely deleted those embarrassing pictures from 10 years ago, so at least that’s safe, but crude posts and unsightly photographs are not all they will be looking for. 

They will also want to know how you interact with others and if you can provide valuable input about the industry. If you work on becoming a voice and keep up with the news within your industry, offering opinions and insights, you can put yourself forward as someone who knows what they are talking about, which is valuable no matter what career you pursue. 

The Right Job Is Just Around the Corner

The job hunt can be long and frustrating, but you can maximize your chances of being hired by ensuring you give the interviewer no choice but to hire you with these ways to become more employable. 


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