How to Become a Certified Computer Repair Technician

Technology plays a very important part in our lives these days, as we use computers to do just about anything that there is to do. If you’re looking for a viable career path, one that involves computers and technology is definitely a smart move. These things aren’t going anywhere for a while; they’re some of the most important tools that we use in the modern world. No matter what it is you want to, you’re more than likely to find yourself using a computer to do it. For this reason, and many others, beginning a career as a computer repair technician is a smart and safe bet.

Technology, however, is something that has been moving at increasingly blinding speeds, especially over the course of the last several years. When it comes to things like computer repair, if you want to make it your business, you’re going to want to get started as early as you possibly can. If you think that you might be interested in a career that involves something like computer repair, you should get yourself involved in computers immediately. Start learning everything that you can about them. Take yours apart (or buy an old one, and take it apart), so you can study how a computer is put together and how everything works. This is going to be how you make your living, so you want to get started learning on your own as quickly as possible. You’ll need this kind of enthusiasm and commitment if you want to be able to keep up with an industry that moves faster than any other.

While you’re still in high school, take as many related classes as you possibly can, and then major in something like computer sciences when you’re in college. If you can get your Bachelor’s Degree in a computer science-related subject, you’ll have a very easy time passing the tests required to earn your official computer repair certification. This is commonly known as your A+ certification, and will make you very, very employable when it comes to something like IT and/or computer repair. You’ll focus on both hardware and software while you take the courses to prepare for the exam, and can earn this certification through a local community college or four-year university. Websites like Net Com Info, E-Learning Center, and CBT Planet can easily help you figure out where you can get this kind of certification near your home.

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When you’ve taken the appropriate courses, you’ll be ready to take the CompTIA A+ certification test, which will indicate that you’re very knowledgeable when it comes to computers and IT. Read the CompTIA manual, study everything you can, and then take the test. You can sign up for the certification exam by calling up your local community colleges or visiting the CompTIA website. Once you’ve passed, you’re ready to get your resume together and start looking for work as a computer repair technician. Whether you start learning here at Upper Training or begin your training by repairing computers for your friends and family members, computer repair is a great way to earn yourself a living. With these steps in mind, you’ll be quickly on your way to a great career as a computer repair technician.

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