How to Become a Custodian

Out of all the careers, custodial work can be meaningful and rewarding. It’s also a demanding job as there are a lot of hospitals, schools and office buildings that might need your services. The best part about being a custodian is that anyone can do it, making it a perfect job for someone with not a lot of experience and education. Often, if you land the right custodian job, at the right office building, you can possibly make a lot of money, but you have to be prepared to for the work involved. Here are a few ways you can become a custodian.

One of the first things you have to do is prepare yourself for the task at hand. There are number of questions you must ask yourself to see if you are prepared for the job. Many custodian work up to 40 to 60 hours a week, often at night, on the weekend and you are more likely to be alone and unsupervised. You might also have to be around hazardous materials that can possibly cause cuts, burns, scrapes and bruises. There is also a lot of moving of heavy furniture and objects. You should also ask yourself whether or not you are completely comfortable cleaning out bathrooms and other unsanitary spaces. If you are okay with any of the aforementioned tasks involved in becoming a custodian, there are plenty of jobs waiting for you out there.

Another thing to consider is whether or not you have a high school diploma or credit. Many of these jobs require at least a diploma or any other certification that you legally finished high school. It also looks even better if in your transcripts you took specialized courses like woodshop, business and technology. There are plenty of ways to get your high school credit if you don’t have one, including taking your GED. Of course, showing proof that you completed an even higher education will better place you in the running of getting a great custodian job.

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It also looks really great on your application if your employer can see that you have studied a specific trade skill, like electrical repairs and plumbing. Many of these trade skills you can learn by taking special courses that take anywhere from 2 to 8 months to complete. Having a certain trade skill will give you a more specialized job, which could possibly mean a higher paycheck.

Lastly, as a custodian, there is no shortage of work. Custodial work can offer a steady paycheck and in many instance you can earn the protection of local union, which can increase your salary and give you more benefits, like paid sick days and holiday. And one day, maybe you can even start you own business cleaning offices or homes. Perhaps if someone searches, “house cleaning Grand Rapids MI” or “great office cleaning business Miami,” they might find your services and hire you on the spot, because of your exceptional track record. As a custodian, the more experience you have, the better your chance of landing a more fulfilling job.

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