How to Become a Professional Dog Trainer
One of the first things you’re going to want to do is make sure that you’re very, very familiar with and comfortable around dogs. Learn as much as you possibly can about all the different types of breeds, the ways in which they behave, and how to handle a dog in a wide variety of circumstances. Your time working as a dog trainer is going to expose you to a lot of different situations, so it’s smart to get used to dogs very early on.
You can take a few seminars on dog training — look up relevant information on a website like to find events near you — and then you’ll be ready to take your certification exam. Get registered, and then start studying. Make sure the exam is officially certified by the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers (use their website to find a testing location near you).
When you take the exam, you have the joy of knowing that it’s graded on a pass/fail basis. When you have completed the examination and earned your license, you’re ready to head out and join the legion of Long Island dog trainers making the world a better place. If you love dogs and people in equal measures, working as a dog trainer is a smart choice. You’ll be able to spend time with animals that you love and help people learn how to take better care of them at the very same time.