Kid in toy car

How to Become a Toy Safety Tester

Kid in toy car Are you ready for your dream job? Becoming a toy safety tester can be an incredibly rewarding job. If you told anybody that you were a toy safety tester, they would be asking endless questions. However, a toy safety tester is an important job and there is a lot of hard work involved. Not only that, but you have to take your job very seriously. When it comes down to it, your job will entail making sure that new toys are safe in a multitude of ways for children. Not only can toys pose a choking hazard, but the materials that toys are made out of could be unsafe as well. Here is how to become a toy safety tester.

First off, you need to have a passion for construction and engineering, and the arts. When it comes down to it, toy testers will essentially be working and playing with toys all day, so if you don’t think you will find creative enjoyment and fulfillment from the position, perhaps it is not the right position for you. When it comes down to it, you must also have a love for children too, because the toys you test will be directly related to the health and wellbeing of millions of children.

Next, you also need a background in chemistry and physics. Many toys are made out of plastics, rubber, metals and wood. So, it is important to know what some of the chemical make-ups are of different materials. As a toy tester, you will be testing for levels of lead and other harmful chemicals. If the toys are coming in from another country, there may be chemicals that you aren’t too familiar with, so it is important to have the knowledge to detect what is safe and what isn’t when it comes to what the toys are made out of.

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After you have a strong background in these fields, you can start looking for a position. The problem is that finding a job as a toy tester can be difficult. Many toy manufactures don’t advertise for the position, because they know they will get a torrent of responses. Oftentimes, you have to fall into the position or know someone in the field. This is why visiting seminars and other lectures by leading business figures in the field is important. If you want to find success as a toy tester, you must do a lot of networking.

Lastly, you have to do your research. Not only do you have to do your research for open positions, but you also have to do your research on the different toys that are out there. For instance, you must know the best gifts for kids by age, what different materials are and what is dangerous for children. Becoming a toy tester can be a difficult job to land, but it can also be one of the most rewarding jobs. If you work hard enough, you may become a lead tester, which could put you on the path to bigger and better positions in the future.

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