How to Create an Attention Grabbing Online Video Resume

For those of us working in a more creatively-oriented field, such as writing, animation, or video production, there are a lot of interesting ways to present yourself for employment. The right impression that you make upon your potential employers is an incredibly important part of the job-seeking process, and can mean the difference between simply securing a good position and landing that dream job you’ve always wanted. In order to produce something like a video resume, one used to need access to a camera or two, some kind of microphone, video editing software to cut everything together and form a cohesive whole, and finally a way to share or distribute the finished product once it’s been assembled. There used to be a lot of moving parts that went into video production (of just about any kind), and it used to be pretty expensive — this simply isn’t the case anymore. If you want to make a video, there are ton of ways to do it and do it completely free. From tablets to smartphones to laptops, just about every device has a camera on it, and if yours doesn’t, there are standalone HD cameras that are more affordable than anything like it has ever been. We’ll talk about some of the best ways to create a video resume for yourself, so that you can get that job you’ve always wanted and get a serious move on with your career.

Originality is key, and if you’re not doing something unique or attention-grabbing with your video resume, then you might want to head back to the drawing board for a little bit. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel, but it’s really important to avoid hashing out the same kinds of ideas or execution when it comes to the way you present yourself in your video resume. Of course, you’re going to be limited by your capabilities no matter what you’re using to create your video, but you want to make sure that you’re picking the options that will offer you the highest possible quality in your finished product. This is often a difference of settings — many video editing & conversion programs will allow you to decide how high definition you want your picture to be, how crisp you want the audio to sound, and a few other things you might want to differentiate. Go with the best settings possible, because your future job might very well depend upon it.

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Keep your video exciting — a great job to do this is to remember that when you’re crafting your resume, it’s smart idea to make yourself sound like the “Indiana Jones” of whatever it is you do. If you’re submitting your resume, it’s because you’re qualified for the position, but there’s a fair chance that other individuals are, too. Give yourself the edge by making it sound like you do what you do in the most exciting way possible. Once you’ve created your video, it’s important that you make it accessible for anyone who wants to use it, whether you use BestVideoDownloader, YouTube, or any other method of transfer. A video resume is a great way to get your name in front of a potential employer, and with these easy strategies, you can make sure it’s as effective as it needs to be.

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