How to Launch a Career in the Social Care Sector

The motivation to work is different for each individual, while it also varies significantly between highly paid and vocational occupations. While some may work to live and in exchange for a monthly salary, for example, there are others who undertake challenging careers in a bid to make a positive difference in society.

Take those who work in the field of social care, for example, who usually belong to the latter camp and have an underlying desire to improve the lives of others. According to figures, 96% of workers in this sector believe that their works makes a significant difference in the lives of their patients, while there is also a huge demand across the industry.

How to Launch a Career in Social Care

If you decide that you may be ideally suited to a career in social care, the next step is to take practical steps towards achieving this aim. Consider the following steps towards achieving this: –

  1. Target a Specific Job and Application

While the concept of starting a career in social care may be one thing, however, it is quite another to identify a specific job role and occupation. This represents your crucial first step as a candidate for work, as it enables you to establish a defined career path that can be easily actioned. There are a number of jobs accessible within the industry, from front-line roles such as occupational therapy and care worker to remote career options in management, care organisation and administration. These all represent occupations with a relatively high level of demand at present, and targeting one to focus on will ensure that have the right qualifications and experience to advance.

  1. Tailor your Education to Suit a Specific Role
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Some claim that you will need a college education to work in social care, but this depends entirely on the nature of the role that you have targeted and your preferred career path. Even direct care roles that require medical knowledge and qualifications can be accessed without a relevant degree, so long as you are willing to embark on four to five year graduate entry accelerated courses. Alternatively, you can consider entry level qualifications such as QCF Diplomas and combine a tailored education with practical workplace experience. These qualifications have merit across all social and health care sectors, so they may well help to distinguish you in the eyes of employers.

  1. Volunteer and Showcase your Passion

While you pursue a course of education, knowledge and entry level workplace experience, you should also look to showcase the personal value and attributes that motivate you to work in the social care sector. If you are driven by the notion of making a positive difference in society and helping others, for example, it makes sense that you should showcase this by volunteering in local community projects that are aimed at helping vulnerable members of society. In a competitive industry where there is considerable demand and supply, this may give you the edge over rival candidates with a similar work history and educational background.

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