
How to Use Your Smartphone to Find a Job

Perhaps few inventions have revolutionized the way we do things on a daily basis the way the smartphone has. Apple’s iPhone might not have been the first on the market, but it was certainly a game-changer in a lot of ways. Blackberrys and even an Android phone or two had showed up on the market before Steve Jobs revolutionized the way we relate to our mobile telephones, but it was the iPhone that essentially made the smartphone a household name. Few devices have brought so many rich and robust features to people’s fingertips — between applications, web browsing, and multimedia capabilities, a smartphone can do just about anything you want it to. If gaming is your thing, the mobile gaming industry has taken off in ways few anticipated. If you’re a career type, there are myriad ways to organize and keep track of your life and work with your smartphone — so much so that a smartphone is even a great way for those of us with organizational challenges to actually learn how to keep all of our ducks in a row. When you don’t have enough to keep track of, a smartphone can even help you find some work to busy yourself up.

Many of us use free online classified ads like CraigsList to find job posting and listings that can tell us what’s available to us in terms of employment. What’s great about a smartphone is that it’s essentially a small computer that just so happens to make phone calls. If you’re looking for that awesome next gig, you can simply use your smartphone’s internet browser to check out what’s been listed and find it. CraigsList isn’t the only resource for job listings, and if you need to you can even use your smartphone to find other methods that will help you find job listings.

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If you don’t want to use your browser or have a newer, more powerful phone, you can always use dedicated apps that will help you find that next employment situation. Whether you download the actual CraigsList application or something by an organization like Monster or another job-finding service, you’ll be able to have notifications and information piped directly to you. When there’s a new job open, you’ll be the first person to know about it. Your smartphone has a ton of capability in terms of what applications you put on it, so explore your options in the application store that your operating system provides.

Your smartphone is a great way to make yourself more readily available for employment, whether you use it by browsing Internet job postings or by setting up job alerts through a dedicated application. What’s more is that your smartphone makes it easy to reach you immediately, whether it’s by email or phone. It’s important to make sure you’re protecting this technology with a case mate so that you can make sure you’re getting the most possible benefit out of your smartphone and its data plan.

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