In High Demand: The Fastest Growing Jobs

Nursing homeDay after day you go to your cubicle, typing away on your computer hating the work. If you wake up every morning dreading the day to come, it might be time to switch up your career. But don’t let the slow economy get you down; although previous years have shown struggles for the job market, there are a number of jobs that are expected to grow in the coming years.

When looking for inspiration to know how to climb the job ladder, you can look to people like Mark Weinberger. He started his career as an entry-level staff member for Ernst & Young, an accounting and financial advising company. After working under President Bill Clinton as the Chief of Staff for the Bipartisan Commission on Entitlement and Tax Reform in 1994, he is Ernst & Young’s head of U.S. National Tax Practice. He went from an entry-level position to an executive position and you can too.

Here’s a look at some of the fastest growing occupations to get you there, based on statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Personal Care Aides

The BLS reports personal care aides will see a rise of employment of 70.5 percent by 2020, and it’s not hard to see why. With the Baby Boomer generation aging, there will be a huge demand for personal care aides in the near future. To break into this field you don’t need a four-year degree, but experience in the medical field will give you more opportunities.

The median annual salary is peanuts compared to other aide positions, at $19,640 in 2010, but with so many positions available it will be easy to find a job in no time.

Occupational Therapist Assistants

Much like physical therapists, an occupational therapy assistant helps people achieve things they want to do through everyday activities. This includes helping children with disabilities be able to participate fully in school and or social situations as well as helping people recover from injuries to regain skills that were once simple to them (like lifting up their arm to brush their hair or walk to the front door).

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Get the knowledge you need to help individuals get back on their feet and relearn the simple tasks of tying their shoes or grabbing something from the kitchen cabinet through Brown Mackie College. In as little as 23 months, you can obtain an Associate of Applied Science degree specializing in occupational therapy assistance; with 22 locations, it’s easy to get a jump start on this career.

By 2020 there will be a 43.3 percent employment increase in occupational therapy jobs, according to the BLS.

Biomedical Engineers

If you’re more interested in how your grandma’s artificial hip works rather than watching the latest episode’s of your favorite TV show, then pursue a career as a biomedical engineer. With the everyday task of combining science and engineering to build new replacement parts for the human body, your daily life will be just as exciting as “The Big Bang Theory.”

The BLS reports that by 2020 there will be a 62 percent biomedical engineers employment increase. And with the average median salary of $81,540 you can buy lots of mechanical toys to play with when you’re not at work; further perfecting your love of science and engineering.

Interpreters and Translators

There’s a very public court case going on and a key witness only speaks Spanish. The problem is, 90 percent of everyone in the room only knows English. That’s where interpreters and translators come in. They take their bilingual skills and use them in a variety of ways, helping people understand one another. Some top translators are flown over to different countries in times of war to help establish peace.

By 2020, there will be a 42 percent increase in interpretation and translation employment from now, according to BLS. With Spanish being the second most popular language in the United States, foreign language classes are essential to keep up with the constantly changing melting pot of cultures and languages.

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