Job Hunting? Don’t Forget to Follow-Up!
Great job! You submitted the application, you got the callback, and you had the interview. Now you just have to wait for a call, right? Wrong! You’re not done yet. You have one more crucial step before sitting back and waiting to hear from a potential employer. Don’t forget to follow-up!
Though hand written notes used to be commonplace, emails have taken their place. Not only is it essential to write a thank you note to your interviewer, you should also include a note to the recruiter and/or the HR representative you worked with before going to the interview, if applicable. And just a note of thanks is not enough. Many candidates will write and send a quick note of thanks to their interviewer. This is great, but to really set yourself apart, consider including a few other elements. Make reference to the conversation that took place in the interview. Relate elements of the questioning to your skills and experience that may not have come up when you were in front of the panel. And if possible, even include links to relevant information or articles that pertain to the topics of discussion. And most important, thank them for their time and indicate that you look forward to hearing from them.
Follow-up after a job interview is essential. Letting a hiring manager know you appreciate their time will keep you in the forefront of their mind when they consider candidates. But do more than thank them! Highlight elements of the interview that went especially well and make reference to items that may not have been covered in the interview. Keep it brief, but make an impact with a follow-up email.