Make the Most of Any Job Fair
Here are some things to do when you attend a job fair:
• Be Early: Many employers will be at a job fair, but that doesn’t mean that there will be many jobs available. Some employers may only have one or two openings and if you arrive fashionably late, you may inadvertently cost yourself a good number of opportunities. Remember, the early bird often gets the worm.
• Bring Business Cards: Even if you are not currently employed you need to bring business cards with you. Simply get some inexpensive business cards made that have all your information on them and this will give you something to hand to potential employers.
• Bring Resumes: This goes with the last point. Every potential employer you talk to should get a copy of your resume.
• Dress Appropriately: Dress as though you are going to be interviewed. You only have one chance at a first impressions and that impression will be greatly diminished if you dress in jeans and a t-shirt.
• Wear Cozy Shoes: Be prepared to walk. Attending a job fair means that you will be doing laps so you want to be sure that your shoes are comfortable. Avoid new shoes as they may give you blisters and women should avoid high heels.
Once you have all the materials you need and are dressed in the proper manner you can head off to the job fair ready to go. Then you simply have to make the rounds and if all goes well decide what offer you like the best and then enjoy your new found job.