Make Valuable Business Connections at Career Fairs
Career fairs are not only a great place to go when you are looking to find a job, but they can also be a great place to go in order to make some very important business connection. Business connections are very important to have as sometimes finding the perfect job is more about who you know then what your resume looks like.
When you are set to attend a career fair, be sure you are dressed in a manner that will allow you to show your seriousness. Wearing flip flops and shorts to a career fair is a sure way to have all the potential business connections in attendance look the other way.
You should also be sure to bring plenty of resumes with you. While 20 is a safe bet, you can always bring more if you think you will need to. It is far better to take a few home with you than it is to run out and lose potential business connection opportunities.
Most importantly, when you visit a job fair, never miss an opportunity to make a connection. Even if you have zero interest in a potential job that is at the career fair, visit with the potential employers anyway. This will not only show your willingness to find a job, but it will also provide you an opportunity to gain yet another contact. So, ask questions and show some interest.
In the end, you may have to make many business contacts in order to fin the job you are really after. It may even be that only one business contact helps you with that job. But the fact is that in a tough job market, you will need all the help you can get and by using career fairs to help you with your business contacts, you can significantly boost your chances of career success.