Make Yourself A Powerful Candidate For That Accounting Job: Here’s How

If you have a keen eye for numbers, you’re interesting in finances, and you want to help individuals and companies with theirs, then going for an accounting job might be just right for you. The competition out there for quality accounting is tough, and some would say that the market is saturated. However, you shouldn’t let this put you off. If this is something you really want to do, then follow the steps here to make yourself a powerful candidate for the job you have your eye on.

Learn As Much About The Company as Possible

If you have your eye on a specific job at a specific company, you’ll do much better if you learn as much about the company as you possibly can. Don’t go, fully prepared for the role but not prepared at all to fit in with the company and their culture. It’ll be far more impressive if you can show that you’ve researched them and that you’re actually interested in that specific company.

Consider Getting A Mentor

A mentor can help you to take an objective look at your skills and what you’re doing currently. They can give you actionable steps and goals to help you move forward. It can be tough to make these decisions for yourself, so many people hand them over to somebody else. Even the most successful people do this.

Prepare Your Answers To Questions

If you land an interview, or even during the application process, you’ll need to be prepared to answer some specific accountancy questions. You may need to explain how you maintain accuracy, how you stick to tight deadlines, and which accounting platforms have you used, amongst other things. Then you’ll have the standard job interview questions to begin with.

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Figure out which questions you’re most likely to be asked and prepare for them. Ask somebody you trust to practice the interview process with you, if you want to be really prepared.

Make Sure You Have The Skills

Of course, you’re probably not going to be able to land the job if you don’t have the appropriate skills. Using a CPA prep resource will help you to prepare for the chartered public accountancy exam. You need to prove that you can do this with the correct qualifications. They will make you more attractive and make you a stronger candidate for the role.

Get Experience

Experience is a great way to make yourself stand out. See if you can land an internship, ask to start shadowing somebody else, or even see if you can volunteer. This is going to look great and you’ll get a feel for the industry and the role.

Always Find Opportunities To Network

Sometimes, who you know can be a great way to enhance what you know. Use every opportunity to network, whether in person at industry events, or on sites like LinkedIn.

Making yourself as hireable as possible is crucial in this industry, so don’t go in unprepared!


Thanks for reading!

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