Making a Good Impression at Your Company’s Holiday Party

The holiday season is here, and for many people that means a company party to attend.  While this party might be a great excuse to wear one of your favorite short cocktail dresses, it is also an important night for you as an employee.  Too often employees assume that they are partying with their friends, when they are really still at work in a sense.  Therefore, use this helpful guide to ensure that you make the best impression of yourself.

Be on Your Best Behavior

Most importantly, when you are at a company party, behavior matters.  You need to act in the same manner that you would conduct yourself at work.  Obviously, the atmosphere might be different and involve fewer tasks.  However, make sure that you still act with professionalism.  Use good language when you are speaking.  Be courteous to the other employees.  Even more, speak highly of the company you work for and the people you work with.  This way you present the best image of yourself.

Dress Appropriately

Next, it is important to dress appropriately for the company party.  Most of the holiday festivities businesses plan are more formal and require men and women to dress up.  If this is the type of party your company is hosting, make sure that you show up properly dressed.  Men should wear suits and ties.  Women can wear long black dresses, cocktail dresses, or pant suits.  If the atmosphere is more casual, you can be more relaxed in what you wear to the party.

Watch What You Drink

At a holiday party, it is common for alcohol to be served.  When you are with friends and other acquaintances, having a few too many drinks around the holidays is usually perfectly acceptable – as long as you are smart about driving.  However, at a company party, drinking too much can get you into trouble.  Over indulging on alcohol can cause you to act in a manner that you might regret.  It also looks bad to others.  Therefore, try to limit your intake.  This will allow you to drive home and act appropriately throughout the night.

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Show Up on Time

Furthermore, it is important to show up on time if you are attending a company party.  These events usually have a planned schedule of events.  If you show up in the middle, it will be obvious that you are late.  Those who cannot make the entire party should inform their boss.  This allows them to make arrangements so they will not look out of place when they show up in the middle of a presentation or activity.

Speak Up

Finally, company parties are a great opportunity to get to know other employees, especially those above you.  Take advantage of this opportunity and speak up.  You can introduce yourself to others so they can put a face to a name.  This is a great way to help you get ahead in your career.  After all, people are more likely to promote the employees they know and like.

Hopefully, this help guide will help you to properly prepare for your company’s holiday party and make the most of your time there.  Good luck.  

Jen is a fashion and style blogger who loves all things shopping in her spare time.

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