Necessary Requirements to Become Microsoft Certified

Becoming a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) is a great way to share your knowledge of computers and software with others in an educational setting. You can help many individuals develop the skills they need in their everyday lives or to obtain the skills necessary for their current profession. Teaching of any form is a wonderful experience because you will be able to help others achieve. If you want to become a Microsoft Certified Trainer, you will need to adhere to the following requirements.

First, you yourself will need to have a Microsoft Certification to prove that you went through the training as a trainee and have developed the necessary skills and mastered the content. You can become certified in many Microsoft technologies depending on your interests. You can often take these courses through Prometrics.

Once you are officially certified, you need to show that you not only know the content, but also that you will be able to teach the information to others in order to become a certified teacher for Microsoft. You need to demonstrate instructional skills so that Microsoft can feel comfortable knowing you are able to effectively communicate and present information to trainees. You may choose to demonstrate your capabilities by becoming a Certified Technical Trainer by CompTIA. There are also other ways to show your skills. You can take and pass a presentation skills course, or show Microsoft that you already teach at a university or institution of higher education as a technical trainer or an instructor.

Once each of these pre-requisites has been established and confirmed, you will need to begin your trainer application. You will need to fill out an application to become a Microsoft Certified Trainer. This can be found on Microsoft’s website and you will be required to pay a fee. Depending on where you live and work, this fee may fluctuate in price. If you are approved, Microsoft will then send you a welcome package containing all the resources you will need for your professional endeavors such as a wallet card, a certificate, trainer DVDs and more.

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You will then need to maintain your certification regularly to keep it updated and current. You must recertify each April to ensure your certification does not expire. This process simply requires a small yearly fee and a certification form. In addition, it is wise to always continue learning. In the field of technology things change extremely rapidly, and in order to stay on the cutting edge of technology for your students, you will need to constantly keep yourself updated and continue to learn about new tech and software options.

If you are serious about becoming a Microsoft Certified Trainer, the effort you take to become certified will pay off as it can provide you with many rewarding opportunities to help others develop their technology skills. You must be certified through a Microsoft training program, and you can show your teaching abilities if you have worked with MCSA boot camp,, or if you have taught in the past at another institution. As long as you have a firm understanding of the content and are able to teach effectively, Microsoft will be excited to have you on board as an MCT representing their organization.

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