Radical Routes into a New Career

Radical Routes into a New Career

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Most people start a new career at some point in their lives. It’s becoming more common for young people to try out a few different jobs in their first few years of working, too – although, that is partly due to job instability, rather than choice. Some people do the same thing for their whole working lives, but many others make dramatic or more subtle shifts in their career. A career change might happen almost by accident, or it might be a very conscious choice. If you think it could be time for your career to undergo a change, you’re probably wondering what options you have. Finding a route into a new career might seem daunting, but you have several options.

Take a Sideways Step

Not everyone who makes a career change makes a dramatic leap from one industry or role to another. Sometimes the shift might be a little more subtle, or it might mean they stay in the same industry or with the same employer. For example, perhaps you might work as an administrative assistant or office manager and then decide to move into working in HR. You can often use the skills already on your resume to show that you’re capable of taking on another role related to the one you’re currently doing. Or perhaps you could begin as a receptionist at a school but end up in the classroom as a teaching assistant.

Going to College

Whether or not you’ve been to college before, improving your education gives you a way to explore a new career. You might decide to go to college for the first time to get the qualifications you need to start again. Some people choose to go the more traditional route of applying and attending college. You can look for educational consultant firms to help you put together a good application. Writing essays is a major part of applying and seeking assistance with them can give you an edge. Another option is to choose a community college or online college. If you already have a degree, you’ll be looking at applying to do a further qualification, and the application process will be slightly different. An accredited RN to BSN online program prepares you for the next level of professional opportunity. 

Retrain or Learn Outside College

College isn’t the only way to expand your knowledge and earn new qualifications. There are other ways you can learn, especially if you want to do it around your current job. As an adult, it’s often much harder to learn when you need to keep earning. You could look into some options like taking an evening class or studying at home. Online courses make learning much more accessible, and you can do your work in your spare time. There’s also the possibility of working part-time and studying part-time or even just taking a short course at weekends or during some time off work.

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If you want a way to explore a new career without committing yourself to it just yet, doing some volunteering is an interesting way to do it. You can find a charity or organization you identify with and see what roles they have available for volunteers. Volunteering can give you something to put on your resume to help you start a new career that might not be related to your current one. You can often volunteer for one day a week, or perhaps few a few hours in the evenings. It could help you decide if a new career is right for you and give you an in when it comes to looking for a new job.

Work on the Side

Not everyone can moonlight on top of their usual job. Sometimes, your employment contract might say that you’re not allowed to do any extra work. However, plenty of people do it for extra money, and it’s a good way to get started in a new career. It can give you the skills and experience you need and give you time to decide if a new career is really for you.

Start a Business

Some people make a major shift in their career by going their own way. If you have a business idea and you don’t want to work for other people anymore, launching a business could be right for you. However, it’s a lot of hard work and, depending on the type of business, could be a costly venture. Starting a business isn’t something you should decide to do lightly, so make sure you give it a lot of thought before committing yourself to it.

If you want to start a new career, you have a few different ways you can make the change. You can do it slowly or quickly to achieve what you want.

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