
Resume Distribution Methods

Once you have your resume completed, it won’t be able to help you get a job until it is in the hands of potential employers.  The only way to ensure that your resume is put to good use is to distribute it effectively and efficiently.  There are a variety of resume distribution methods that you can utilize, however some are markedly better than others.  In order to choose the best distribution methods for you, it is important to understand the advantages and drawbacks of each method.

Resume Distribution Methods

1.    All You – While the internet makes searching for jobs easier than ever before, manually distributing your resume in response to job postings remains a common option.  Newspapers carry far less job openings now that the internet has taken control.  The biggest benefit of researching job openings and manually distributing your resume is that your resume is only given to openings that interest you.  Additionally, you can personalize and tailor each resume to individual jobs.  The main drawback is that this process can quickly become very time consuming.

2.    Recruiters/Staffing Services – Using recruiters and staffing agencies have become extremely popular over the last decade.  One reason for this is that staffing services and recruiters often have specialized to fit certain industries.  Additionally, they will often hear of open positions much quicker than you could find them on your own.  It is important to keep in mind that in order to get good results, using multiple recruiters and staffing services is a must.

3.    Job Fairs – Job fairs, also known as career fairs, are scheduled gatherings that are designed for employers and potential employees to meet in one place.  They are often held in hotel ballrooms or convention centers.  The biggest benefit of attending job fairs is that they give you access to dozens of employers all at once.  Additionally, they are great for creating a face to face meeting.  The biggest drawback to job fairs is that in order to stand out, you really need to stand out.  Employers will see hundreds of potential employees and getting ahead of the pack can be difficult.

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4.    Resume Posting – There are a variety of different online websites that allow people to post their resumes and then employers can browse them as needed.  Many of the most popular job boards include Monster.com, CareerBuilder.com, and Craigslist.  Posting your resume is often offered as a free service, however keep in mind that they contain thousands or hundreds of thousands of resumes.  This means that an employer may have to dig a little in order to see your resume.  Keep in mind that this is a very passive tactic.  Once you post your resume, it is left up to the employer to contact you.

5.    Resume Distribution Services – There are more and more resume distribution services available on line.  These services blast out your resume to thousands of recruiters and employers simultaneously.  This approach is involves minimal time, however can get expensive over time.  Additionally, you have little choice in who will get your resume, which means that 80%+ of the people who receive your resume will not be a good match.

There are a variety of resume distribution methods available, in order to get the best results, using a compilation of methods is often the best.

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