Resume Writing: Things to Avoid

If you’re updating your resume, or even starting a new one, you know there are certain elements to include. However, keep in mind that there are also some things that need to be left out.

When writing your resume, tell the truth. Though it’s tempting to want to stretch the truth, lying is a big no-no in resumes. Most Human Resources departments will do background checks with former employers and false information on a resume will not only ruin your credibility, but it will probably cost you the job. Never list your hobbies on your resume. Professional associations and memberships should be listed, but keep it to work related items not what you enjoy doing in your free time. Also, contrary to what some might think, you do not need to list every employer you’ve ever had. People with a lot of professional experience can begin to remove older positions from their resume, especially if they aren’t relevant to your career now and the jobs to which you are applying. Finally, leave the fancy font and designs off your resume. Keep it simple, professional, and easy to read.

Making sure you include all of your important work experience is vital to a successful resume. Keeping the extraneous elements off it is just as important. Make sure to avoid unnecessary information to ensure an effective resume.

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  1. I paid a professional resume service to revamp my resume and they used two of listed words you”re suggested not to. When I wrote my own resume, I used award-winning and dynamic. The differences of opinion can be confusing.

  2. If you leave jobs that aren’t necessarily relevant off your resume, won’t they wonder about “gaps” in employment?

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