Securing a Job in Insurance The Key Considerations

Securing a Job in Insurance: The Key Considerations

While technological advancement and innovation have sounded the death-knell for numerous industries, it has also enabled others to emerge in their stead. Interestingly, there are also traditional markets that have managed to leverage technology while remaining remarkably consistent, in terms of the nature, demand and popularity.

Take the insurance market, for example, which continues to embrace evolution and technological advancement while providing a pivotal financial service in the modern age. If you consider that there are more than six million car accidents alone each year in the US, for example, you begin to understand the scope of the insurance industry and the Omni-present demand for services.

How to Secure a Job in Insurance in the Modern Age

While there will always be demand for employees in this sector, there are numerous demands placed on those who wish to work in insurance. These are particularly important for those who are new to market, so keep the following points in mind when planning your precise career path: –

Ensure that you have the right Academic Accreditations

As a basic rule, you will require at least a high school diploma (or an equivalent qualification) to work as an insurance agent. Licensing requirements also demand that you will probably need to take an industry-specific exam that varies according to each individual state or jurisdiction, while ensuring that you have the necessary accreditation to sell the relevant types of insurance.

It is arguable whether or not you require a Bachelor’s degree, but while this is not a staple requirement it is estimated that more than one-third of operating agents boast this level of higher education. In terms of appropriate fields of study, a qualification in risk management, psychology and even marketing is thought to afford applicants a greater chance of success.

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Identify suitable, entry-level Career Opportunities

Whether you are at the beginning of your working life or looking to change careers, it is important that you seek out viable, entry-level job opportunities to launch your career. Younger applicants can target these roles as part of work experience placements too, while older employees can apply for these when starting out.

Two of the most common roles are insurance assistant and underwriting trainee, as these jobs offer practical experience while enabling you to forge industry contacts. Risk analyst is another popular entry-level position for those with the necessary qualifications, while those without such accreditation can use transferable skills to target opportunities in customer services.

Constantly refresh your skills and Pursue Industry Courses

On a final note, the insurance industry is one that demands employees to constantly pursue opportunities in self-improvement and personal development. This is because the industry is always evolving in line with social and technological trends, meaning that employees with an outdated skill-set will struggle to survive in a competitive marketplace.

Look at the automotive sector, for example, where driverless cars may be on the road as soon as 2030. This will change the nature of automotive insurance, particularly as human error accounts for approximately 90% of all accidents out on the road. By following such trends and understanding how they will impact on the market, you can tailor your learning and education to remain a viable candidate for work.

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