Seven Ways to Turn up the Heat for Your Online Business
Set Up Shop
Set up an online commerce store if you’re selling products or services, and when you start learning about and engaging in unlimited reseller hosting, you can set up your online store without spending a bundle. This is convenient for customers and it’s a great way to earn money while you’re working on other projects, too. Plus, your search engine results will be increased when you have an online store because you’ll have a natural use of a lot of SEO keywords and keyword phrases.
Become a Producer
Create an account on a streaming media website and start producing videos, people love watching videos, and they’re not as expensive to make as they used to be and they’re more interesting than reading text or looking at photos. If you’re not a writer yourself, hire a freelancer to write a script for you, and there are many people that specialize in video production that have the right equipment and knowledge. Make sure to highlight what your company does and the perks to the consumer and link back to your shop and main website.
Get an Online Reputation
Visit and participate in popular forums that get a ton of traffic, just make sure these forums are in your industry and eventually, you’ll be considered an authority as you continually offer expert advice to other participants. The key is to really take the time to read through posts and contribute valuable information, because if you just comment on a number of forums to get noticed, the community will realize what you’re doing and stop interacting with you.
Time to Get Social
Don’t just set up social media profiles, but engage in them as well, you will be pleasantly surprised by how all of this interaction will lead people back to your website. By interacting with consumers, you’ll create a relationship with them instead of simply marketing to them.
Feedback is Imperative for Growth
You can set up a website specifically for polls and surveys using unlimited hosting. Post surveys and polls, from something silly to setting up a contest to get people interested and competitive, people love weighing in on topics that interest them, and especially love free stuff. Plus, everyone loves talking about themselves and taking a survey or poll is just another way to express ideas, feelings and opinions, just be sure to make it so that people can leave anonymous feedback.
Small Reminders
Send out an e-mail newsletter every week or month, depending on how much information you have to communicate on a regular basis. It’s free to send out an e-mail blast and you’ll reach everyone on your ever-growing contact list regularly.
Track Progress
Keep track of your statistics, it’s the best tool you have to know which SEO keywords people are searching for when they stumble upon your website and where your traffic is coming from.
Author Bio
Mike has been freelance writing on building business and business ownership for a number of years, and is the co-owner of a dog grooming business with his wife in central Seattle.