Stand Out Above the Rest with an Online DHA

Are you working in the medical and health care field and looking to expand your career options? An online Doctorate in Health Administration might be right for you if you are looking to advance in your career.

Gaining a higher education degree is central to opening the doors to more opportunities in your career. Online studies provide an ideal way to gain a degree while continuing to work at your current job. Through online colleges and universities, you can find time to further your studies and obtain your Doctorate in Health Administration.

There are several options for you as you seek to gain your doctorate. You are just a step away from realizing your academic dream through online studies. 

What’s the Difference Between a Ph.D. and a DHA

One important thing you should understand about a Ph.D. and a DHA is that they are both doctoral degrees that are based on research. However, the major distinction between the two is on the type and purpose of the research.

A DHA concentrates on evidence; it is factual in finding a solution to a specific problem in a field. In most cases, you will hear academicians refer to it as applied research. If you are looking to expand your academic expertise, then a DHA is the right path since it is designed for administrative leaders in healthcare institutions.

As for the Ph.D., it is all about new knowledge creation and the development of new research. It is aimed at preparing the graduates of the health administration to assume the position of academic researcher or professor. 

What Can You do With Your DHA

The health administration sector is a dynamic field that demands more professionals. For this reason, you should make sure that you academically qualified to take on new opportunities in the health administration field.

For you to become a leader and an influential person in the medical and health field, you may be prompted to take a doctoral course in health administration. 

Available Careers

There are several careers available for you once you have obtained your DHA. With your Doctorate in Health Administration, you can advance your leadership as a medical or health services manager. Or with your DHA, you might want to look into a career in academia.

As a leader in a healthcare organization, you will help manage medical staff while implementing policies and standards. Your job title could be a financial advisor, chief nursing advisor, hospital president, or operating officer. While you are making sure the medical facility is running efficiently, you will also have to make sure you offer quality care to all patients and meet all government regulations. While working for a healthcare facility, you might be in charge of hiring medical professionals, keeping budgets, and monitoring finances.

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As for academia, you can become a professor or administrator at a college or university. You will be in charge of organizing and teaching classes. Working in academia will require you to create lesson plans, assess students, and supervise your courses. 

How to Earn a DHA

If you are looking to earn your DHA, then you should consider looking at online courses. You can obtain your doctorate in health administration online through accredited universities and colleges.

Earning your degree online will allow you to work with your schedule and take classes when it works best for you and your family. You can continue to work at your current job while you take online courses. Also, taking classes online gives you the opportunity to work at your own pace and complete as many credits as you can manage each semester.

If you want to climb the leadership administration ladder, then you should consider taking courses online in order to obtain your doctorate.

Cost of Earning a DHA

The cost will vary from one institution to another depending on your mode of study choice and the college or university you choose to attend.

However, it is moderately cheaper and affordable to take classes online as compared to traditional on-campus courses. It will be advantageous for you also if your employer has a tuition reimbursement program. Most jobs offer a program where you can continue your pursuit of higher education while continuing to work. These programs offer tuition reimbursement and other incentives to encourage their employees to get advanced degrees.

You have heard people and colleagues say that it is expensive to go to school while continuing to work at the same time. However, this is a notion that has already been disapproved by the emergence of online colleges and universities. 

Start your DHA Program Today

Today, it is estimated that 60 percent of adults have considered going back to school to advance their careers. With the accessibility and affordability of these programs, it is easier now to get your doctorate. If you want to make an impact in health administration, then you should consider going back to school to obtain your DHA.

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